Crown Court fee guidance
Crown Court legal aid graduated fee guidance for barristers and solicitors.
Applies to England and Wales
Crown Court fee guidance
This guidance covers all aspects of Crown Court legal aid fees under the Advocates’ Graduated Fee Scheme (AGFS) and Litigators’ Graduated Fee Scheme (LGFS).
Offence classification and type for AGFS and LGFS claims
A guide to offence classification and type for AGFS and LGFS claims.
Updates to this page
Updated Crown Court Fee Guidance published.
Publication of version 1.12 of the Crown Court Fee Guidance.
An updated version of the Crown Court Fee Guidance (with revisions to Appendix R) has been published.
Version 1.10 of the Crown Court Fee Guidance and FAQ published.
Versions 1.7 and 1.8 of the Crown Court Fee Guidance have been replaced with versions 1.7A and 1.9 to reflect that the LGFS PPE threshold has changed back to 10,000 pages.
Versions 1.7 and 1.8 of the Crown Court Fee Guidance have been replaced with versions 1.7A and 1.9 to reflect reinstatement of the LGFS 10,000 PPE threshold.
New Crown Court fee guidance and revised AGFS FAQ published.
Guidance updated.
Guidance updated.
Crown Court fee guidance updated.
Better Case Management Q&A updated.
Q & A for better case management added
Better case management guidance updated.
Updated to include better case management guidance.
First published.