East Marine Plans
Marine plan for the east inshore and east offshore marine areas
The European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 will convert many (EU) measures into UK law. Former EU measures converted into UK law are referred to as ‘retained EU law’ with statutory instruments amending the retained EU law to ensure it is operable. References in this marine plan and supporting documents to EC or EU legislation, EU legislative requirements, European legislation and EU requirements are to be read as references to retained EU law from 1 January 2021. Unless otherwise indicated, a reference to a Directive, or provisions of that Directive, should be read as reference to the legislation which gave effect to the requirements of that Directive (or the provision of that Directive) in the UK, as amended. Such references will be updated when a decision is made to amend or replace the marine plan.
Published April 2014, the first East Inshore and East Offshore Marine Plans provide guidance for sustainable development from Flamborough Head to Felixstowe.
Based on the findings of the third three-year review, the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) concluded that there is compelling evidence to suggest that the East Marine Plans should be replaced.
In 2023, the Sectary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs agreed with the Marine Management Organisation’s recommendation to replace the East Inshore and East Offshore Marine Plans. The adopted East Inshore and East Offshore Marine Plans will be replaced with a new ‘East Marine Plan’ which will be the first of a second generation of plans for English waters. The new document will be referred to as the ‘East Marine Plan’.
The MMO and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs will work together to develop the process to replace the East Marine Plans, including consultation with stakeholders at each appropriate stage.
Marine plans address the key issues for the area, setting a vision and objectives. Detailed policies set out how these will be achieved and how issues will be managed or mitigated. The policies inform decision-making for any activity or development which is in or impacts on a marine area.
Our Explore Marine Plans (EMP) supports decision-makers and applicants using the East Marine Plans. It includes overview of each plan policy by sector and a searchable map of relating data and evidence.
In developing the first East Marine Plans we have also published: