East Marine Plans
Information and documents on the development of the East Marine Plans
The European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 will convert many (EU) measures into UK law. Former EU measures converted into UK law are referred to as ‘retained EU law’ with statutory instruments amending the retained EU law to ensure it is operable. References in this marine plan and supporting documents to EC or EU legislation, EU legislative requirements, European legislation and EU requirements are to be read as references to retained EU law from 1 January 2021. Unless otherwise indicated, a reference to a Directive, or provisions of that Directive, should be read as reference to the legislation which gave effect to the requirements of that Directive (or the provision of that Directive) in the UK, as amended. Such references will be updated when a decision is made to amend or replace the marine plan.
Based on the findings of the third Three-Year report the Marine Management Organisation concluded that there is compelling evidence to suggest that the East Marine Plans should be replaced. The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs agreed with the MMOs recommendation made in 2022 to replace the East Marine Plans. The MMO and Defra will work together to develop the process to replace the East Marine Plans, including consultation with stakeholders at each appropriate stage.
East Marine Plan Statement of Public Participation
A Statement of Public Participation (SPP) is required for each marine plan area under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. Its publication formally commences the beginning of the preparation of marine plans. A single SPP has been produced for the east inshore and offshore area as they share features and activities, many reliant on both areas.
The East Marine Plan SPP sets out how, when and why we will engage with stakeholders and what we will do with the outcomes of any views and opinions. It ensures transparency around how and when we will consult throughout the development of the East Marine Plan.
It is important that all those with an interest in the UK’s marine environment can have their say in the process to replace the East Marine Plans and contribute to shaping the east marine plan areas’ seas and coast.
The East Marine Plan Draft SPP was updated following the input received from stakeholders during the Draft SPP consultation period. We will continue to engage stakeholders throughout the preparation of the East Marine Plan.
Following consultation, the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs agreed to publish the East Marine Plan SPP.
The East Marine Plan SPP was published on 22nd April 2024. The publication of the East Marine Plan SPP marks the start of the process to replace the East Marine Plans.
During the pre-election period for the July 2024 General Election, and for a short period thereafter, activities were paused with stakeholder engagement resuming in November 2024. This pause impacted the plan development timeline. Subsequently, the East Marine Plan SPP timeline has been updated and shown below, the refreshed document can be found here.
Plan development engagement
Activity | Content | Estimate timing |
Gathering issues and evidence | Public call for issues with supporting evidence with support workshops | Spring 2024 – March 2025 |
Vision and objectives | Update to issues with evidence / Communicate use of the Marine Policy Statement high level marine objectives / Vision development | October 2024 - February 2025 |
Options Process | Reasonable alternatives / Plan policy compatibility | March 2025 – August 2025 |
Policy Development / Plan drafting | Testing existing policies / Engagement on policy development | Summer 2025 – Winter 2025 |
Sustainability Appraisal | Assessment of options reports for the East Marine Plan | Spring 2025 – Summer 2025 |
Draft plan engagement
Activity | Content | Estimate timing |
Public consultation on draft plan and associated documents | Launch of consultation on the draft East Marine Plan and associated documents. (including the Sustainability Appraisal, Habitats Regulations Assessment and Impact Assessment) | Spring 2026 – Autumn 2026 |
Review plan proposals | Engagement with stakeholders to clarify responses to the public consultation (where necessary) | Autumn 2026 - early 2027 |
Plan proposal amendments | Publication of changes to the draft East Marine Plan following consultation feedback | Autumn 2026 - early 2027 |
Independent investigation (if required) | Engagement to be determined, but will be set out in appropriate documents separate from the East Marine Plan Statement of Public Participation | Estimated Autumn 2026 - early 2027 but TBC if required |
Adoption and publication of the East Marine Plan (and supporting documents) | Stakeholders will be alerted to the adoption and publication of the marine plan (and supporting documents) | Summer 2027 |
Sustainability Appraisal | Final Sustainability Appraisal and Sustainability Appraisal Statement | Early 2027 |
Monitoring plan | Although the legislation focuses the Statement of Public Participation on marine plan development and adoption this stage is included here for completeness / Will be set out in documents separate to the Statement of Public Participation including the relevant Implementation and Monitoring Plan or associated documents | Ongoing process after adoption |
Using the plans
The adopted East Inshore and East Offshore Marine Plans will continue to be used until the process of replacing the East Marine Plans is complete.
As with land-use planning, marine planning is a statutory requirement.
Marine plans must be used in all planning decisions for the sea, coast, estuaries and tidal waters (which sometimes extend a long distance inland), as well as developments that impact these areas, such as infrastructure.
All public authorities are responsible for implementing the East Marine Plans through existing regulatory and decision-making processes.
As well as public authorities, all applicants, third parties and advisors should also consider the East Marine Plans. Proposals should conform to all relevant policies, taking account of economic, environmental and social considerations.
To view all of the policies you can use Explore Marine Plans or read the full East Marine Plans
Monitoring and review
The third three-year review of the East Marine Plans is now available. Read the full report.
The East Marine Plans are 20 year plans, so it is important that they are regularly assessed. As with all marine plans, it is a statutory requirement that the East Marine Plans are monitored and reviewed every three years, looking at:
- the effects of policies in the marine plan
- the effectiveness of those policies in securing plan objectives
- the progress towards achieving any objectives set out for that region in a marine plan and the Marine Policy Statement
Other ‘relevant matters’ also need to be reviewed, to assess any contextual changes that have occurred. These matters include the key characteristics and uses of the region, and any legislative changes that may impact the East Marine Plans.
The East Marine Plans
The first East Marine Plans were published on 2 April 2014. You can download or read the East Inshore and East Offshore Marine Plans.
You can also use our Explore Marine Plans digital service to understand and use the plan policies. Use this service to find and view:
- marine data on a map of the English marine area
- information on marine planning licences relating to a specific area
- policy information from the marine plans
The east marine area includes two plan areas, the east inshore and the east offshore marine plan areas.
The east inshore marine plan area covers 6,000 square kilometres of sea. It stretches from mean high water springs to 12 nautical miles offshore along the coastline between Flamborough Head and Felixstowe.
The east offshore marine plan area extends from the outer boundary of the east inshore area to England’s borders with the Netherlands, Belgium and France. This is a total of about 49,000 square kilometres of sea.
Marine Planning Monitoring Surveys
Developing the First East Marine Plans
The development of the first East Marine Plans followed a 12 stage process, from plan area selection to implementation and monitoring. The decision to choose the east marine plan areas for the first English marine plans was based on based on seven decision streams that were examined collectively with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Outputs of the development of the first East Marine Plans are linked below.
Marine plans place sustainability at the centre of all decisions.
The Sustainability Appraisal provides an independent assessment of economic, social and environmental sustainability. The current Sustainability Appraisal will be replaced with the new East Marine Plans.
As part of ensuring the marine plans are sustainable, we will also be undertaking a Habitats Regulation Assessment while replacing the East Marine Plans.
The assessments produced for the adopted East Marine Plans are linked below:
Updates to this page
Published 13 September 2016Last updated 18 February 2025 + show all updates
Update 17/02
East Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan Areas - Statement of Public Participation - update
Update 16-02-24
Update 25-01-24
Page updated
Updates to page following the recent publication of the second three-year report on the East Marine Plans.
East Marine Plan, three year review published
Added the three-year progress report on the East Marine Plans.
Tagging added
New feedback questionnaire on East Marine Plans
First published.