
Employer's requirements part C: college-specific brief template

College-specific brief template and annexes.

Applies to England


Part C: college-specific brief template


The templates provide the necessary context and prompts to develop a college-specific brief.

These documents should be read in conjunction with:

These documents form the employer’s requirements for the construction framework 2021 and the offsite schools framework: modern methods of construction (MMC1). Part B and part C include the further education output specification.

For use by:

  • contractors
  • technical professionals
  • suppliers
  • colleges
  • academies
  • local authorities
  • dioceses

For further information on the:

Updates to this page

Published 1 December 2021
Last updated 18 December 2023 show all updates
  1. Added 'Part C: college-specific brief template'.

  2. 'Part C: College-specific brief template', 'Annex CS2: Refurbishment scope of works template' and 'Annex CS6: College-specific sustainable estate strategy' have been updated.

  3. We have updated the document 'Part C: College-specific brief template'.

  4. Added an updated version of the 'Annex CS1: College-specific Schedule of Accommodation (SoA) and Area Data Sheet (ADS) template'.

  5. First published.

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