
Employer's requirements part C: school-specific brief template

School-specific brief template and annexes.

Applies to England


Annex SS1: schedule of accommodation (SoA) and area data sheet (ADS) template for any school

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Annex SS6: sustainable estate strategy

Annex SS7: adjacency diagrams


The templates provide the necessary context and prompts to develop a school specific brief for:

  • mainstream schools
  • special schools and alternative provision

This documentation should be read in conjunction with:

These documents form the employer’s requirements for the DfE construction framework 2021 and the offsite schools framework: modern methods of construction (MMC1). Part B and part C capture the school output specification.

For use by:

  • contractors
  • technical professionals
  • suppliers
  • schools
  • academies
  • local authorities
  • dioceses

The ‘Schedule of accommodation tool’ document is not accessible because it includes tables with complex structures and hard to read text contrast. This means it does not meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines success criteria 1.3.2 meaningful sequence and 1.4.3 contrast. Our teams are working to fix it by December 2024.

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Updates to this page

Published 11 June 2019
Last updated 31 October 2024 show all updates
  1. 'Annex SS1: schedule of accommodation (SoA) and area data sheet (ADS) template for any school' updated to correct a missing value within the data library required for worksheet formulas.

  2. Updated 'Part C: school-specific brief template (mainstream schools)', 'Part C: school-specific brief template (special schools and alternative provision)', 'Annex SS1: schedule of accommodation (SoA) and area data sheet (ADS) template for any school' and 'Annex SS5: school-specific ICT equipment template'.

  3. Replaced the following with updated versions: Part C: School-specific brief template (mainstream schools) Part C: School-specific brief template (special schools and alternative provision) Annex SS2: Refurbishment scope of works template Annex SS6: Sustainable estate strategy

  4. We have updated the 'Part C: School-specific brief template (mainstream schools)' and 'Part C: School-specific brief template (special schools and alternative provision)'.

  5. Document control pages corrected and file names adjusted to align with ISO 19650-2 NA.

  6. Documents reviewed, re-structured and revised for the CF21 and MMC Frameworks.

  7. Updated 'Annex SS1: Schedule of Accommodation (SoA) and Area Data Sheet (ADS) template'.

  8. Updated ‘School-specific brief template (mainstream schools)’ and ‘School-specific brief template (special schools and alternative provision)’. Added MMC1 school specific brief templates for off-site school frameworks.

  9. First published.

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