Employer's requirements Part A: General conditions
General Conditions and Annexes.
Applies to England
This document sets out:
- general conditions and requirements
- design and construction protocols
- information deliverables and communications
- management of the construction process
- exchange information requirements
Part A should be read in conjunction with:
- Employer’s requirements Part B: School generic design brief
- Employer’s requirements Part C: School-specific brief template
- Employer’s requirements Part B: FE generic design brief
- Employer’s requirements Part C: College-specific brief template
These documents form the Employer’s Requirements for the DfE Construction Framework 2021 and the Offsite Schools Framework (MMC1). Part B and Part C include the school or further education output specification.
For use by:
- contractors
- technical professionals
- suppliers
- schools
- academies
- providers
- local authorities
- dioceses
For specific output specification queries please contact: DesignStandards.DFECAPITAL@education.gov.uk.
For further information on DfE Construction Framework 2021 please contact:dfeconstructionframework.2021@education.gov.uk.
For further information on DfE Schools Offsite Framework (MMC1) please contact: mmc.info@education.gov.uk.