Employer's requirements part B: generic design brief
Generic design brief and technical annexes.
Applies to England
The generic design brief sets out the technical requirements for school construction projects capturing context, key principles and requirements for:
- buildings and grounds
- fittings, furniture and equipment
- operational and maintenance matters
This documentation should be read in conjunction with:
- employer’s requirements part A: general conditions
- employer’s requirements part C: school-specific brief template
These documents form the employer’s requirements for the school buildings construction framework 2021 and the schools offsite construction framework: modern methods of construction (MMC1). Part B and part C capture the school output specification.
For use by:
- contractors
- technical professionals
- suppliers
- schools
- academies
- local authorities
- dioceses
For further information on the:
- specific output specification, contact DesignStandards.DFECAPITAL@education.gov.uk
- school buildings construction framework 2021, contact dfeconstructionframework.2021@education.gov.uk
- schools offsite construction framework (MMC1), contact mmc.info@education.gov.uk
Updates to this page
Published 27 May 2022Last updated 18 December 2023 + show all updates
Updated 'Part B: generic design brief', 'Technical annex 1A: definitions of spaces (mainstream schools)', 'Technical annex 1B: definitions of spaces (special schools and alternative provision)', 'Technical annex 1C: definitions of spaces (external spaces)', 'Technical annex 2B: external spaces', 'Technical annex 2C: external fabric', 'Technical annex 2D: internal elements and finishes', 'Technical annex 2G: electrical services, communications, fire and security systems', 'Technical annex 2H: energy', 'Technical annex 2J: sustainability' and 'Technical annex 3: fittings, furniture and equipment'.
Replaced the following with updated versions. Part B: generic design brief, technical annex 2A: sanitaryware, technical annex 2D: internal elements and finishes, technical annex 2E: daylight and electric lighting, technical annex 2F: mechanical services and public health engineering, technical annex 2G: electrical services, communications, fire and security systems, technical annex 2H: controls, technical annex 2I: controls, technical annex 2J: sustainability and technical annex 3: fittings, furniture and equipment.
First published.