Apply to dispense with the consultation requirements in Section 20 (Landlord and Tenant Act 1985): Form Leasehold 5
Landlords can apply to dispense with the requirement to consult tenants provided for by Section 20.
Form Leasehold 5 is for landlords who want to dispense with the consultation requirements when the landlord intends to:
Undertake works on the building which would result in the tenant being required to pay more than £250.
Enter into a contract lasting longer than 12 months which would require tenants to pay £100 per year or more.
Guidance on what happens at the First-tier Tribunal in a dispute on service and administration charges or other management matters.
Government funded, independent advice for residential leaseholders from LEASE.
Relevant legislation: Section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985.
How HM Courts and Tribunals Service uses personal information when you fill in a form.