Future Telecoms Infrastructure Review
This document sets out the findings of the Government's Future Telecoms Infrastructure Review
The Government has set clear, ambitious targets for the availability of full fibre and 5G networks. We want to see 15 million premises connected to full fibre by 2025, with coverage across all parts of the country by 2033. We want the majority of the population to have 5G coverage by 2027.
The Future Telecoms Infrastructure Review was announced in the Government’s Industrial Strategy, with the aim of examining the market and policy conditions that will enable greater investment in future telecoms infrastructure at pace. The Review addresses key questions that could affect the evolution of the UK’s digital infrastructure such as the convergence between fixed and mobile technologies, and the transition from copper to full fibre networks.
Future Telecoms Infrastructure Review: Call for Evidence
Call for evidence on market and policy models to support investment in future telecoms infrastructure.
Guidance for industry and government departments on agreements to use central government sites for digital communications infrastructure.
This document provides examples of good practice and includes a toolkit offering advice for local authorities and utilities wishing to collaborate in a cooperative working relationship.
Recommendations have been drawn from insights and experiences from local authority traffic and permitting managers, street works teams from telecom operators and contractors, the Joint Authorities Group UK, HAUC UK, Streetworks UK, BDUK, the Department for Transport, and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.