GOV.UK Verify: IPV Operations Manual (redacted)
Instructions for identity providers on how to provide identity proofing services in line with Good Practice Guides (GPGs) 44 and 45.
The Identity Proofing and Verification (IPV) Operations Manual details the requirements identity providers providing services for GOV.UK Verify must comply with.
The certification body for the GOV.UK Verify identity providers will use the IPV Operations Manual as a controlling document to determine whether an identity provider is capable of delivering compliant identity-proofing services for Government Digital Service (GDS). The manual should be read in conjunction with GPGs 44 and 45 and other documents provided with the contract.
Updates to the manual
The manual is routinely updated every 6 months (in line with regular updates to the GPGs), and as required.
Reasons for redacting this version of the manual
Parts of this document have been redacted. The redacted information includes:
- words or numbers that might allow fraudsters to determine the value of specific evidence or an outcome
- descriptions of a process to determine a contra indicator (information that contradicts statements from the user or raises doubt over the user’s legitimacy)
- descriptions of a remedial or recovery process following a contra indicator
Updates to this page
Added new guidance about knowledge-based verification (KBV) to section 6.1. Updated guidance about levels of assurance (LOAs) in section 12 to include information about LOA 1.
Replaced version 2.3 with version 2.3.1.
First published.