Hides, horns and trophies: model health certificates
Competent authorities of exporting countries should use the relevant model health certificate as a template to create a version exporters can apply for to export hides, horns and trophies to Great Britain, the Channel Islands or Isle of Man.
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
Hides, horns and trophies exported to Great Britain must be accompanied by the relevant health certificate. Exporters should read the guide on how to complete a health certificate.
Certificate GBHC540
Must be used from 30 April 2024 by all countries.
Model health certificate for fresh or chilled hides and skins of ungulates (FH-U).
Certificate GBHC541
Must be used from 30 April 2024 by all countries.
Model health certificate for treated hides and skins of ungulates (TH-U).
Certificate GBHC542
Must be used from 30 April 2024 by all countries.
Model health certificate for treated hides and skins of ruminants and of equidae that have been kept separate for 21 days or will undergo transport for 21 uninterrupted days before importation (TH-R/E).
Certificate GBHC544
Must be used from 30 April 2024 by all countries.
Model health certificate for treated game trophies and other preparations of birds and ungulates, consisting only bones, horns, hooves, claws, antlers, teeth, hides or skins (GTT).
Certificate GBHC453
Must be used from 30 April 2024 by all countries.
Model health certificate for game trophies or other preparations of birds and ungulates consisting of entire parts which have not been treated (GT).
Certificate GBHC141X
Non-EU countries must use certificate GBHC141X from 1 January 2021.
Model declaration by the importer of bones and bone products (excluding bone meal), horns and horn products (excluding horn meal) and hoof products (excluding hoof meal) intended for use other than as feed material, organic fertilisers or soil improvers (BHH).
Certificate GBHC546
Must be used from 30 April 2024 by all countries.
Model health certificate for horns and horn products, excluding horn meal, and hooves and hoof products, excluding hoof meal, intended for the production of organic fertilisers or soil improvers (HHF).
Certificate GBHC197
Use this certificate from 21 June 2021.
Model health certificate for hides and skins from New Zealand.
Certificate GBHC201
Use this certificate from 21 June 2021.
Model health certificate for game trophies from New Zealand.
Updates to this page
All old versions of certificates have been removed.
We have updated certificates GBHC541 and GBHC543. We have also updated the ‘use from’ dates for certificates GBHC540, GBHC541, GBHC542, GBHC543, GBHC544 and GBHC546. Use from date for EU changed to 31 January 2024. Use from date for non-EU countries changed to 30 April 2024.
We are publishing certificates GBHC540 FH-U: Fresh or chilled hides and skins of ungulates, GBHC542 TH-R/E: Treated hides and skins of ruminants and equidae, GBHC544 GTT: Treated game trophies and GBHC546 HHF: Horns, hooves for fertiliser. EU countries must use the new certificates from 31 October 2023. Non-EU countries can continue using certificates ending in X or start using the new certificates. We will communicate the deadline for non-EU countries switching to the new certificates in due course.
We have removed all EU certificates ending in E for hides, horns and trophies. We are currently in the process of replacing these with new certificates that can be used by all countries. EU countries must use the new certificates from 31 October 2023. Non-EU countries can continue using certificates ending in X or start using the new certificates. We will communicate the deadline for non-EU countries switching to the new certificates in due course.
The previous version of certificates GBHC134X, GBHC134E, GBHC137X, GBHC137E, GBHC142X, and GBHC142E can be accepted until 1 June 2023.
Uploaded updated certificates and version history for GBHC: 134X, 134E, 137X, 137E, 142X, 142E
Certificates GBHC133E, GBHC134E, GBHC135E, GBHC136E, GBHC137E and GBHC142E should now be used from 31 December 2023. They were previously due to come into effect on 1 July 2022.
We've updated certificates GBHC133X, GBHC134X, GBHC135X, GBHC136X, GBHC137X, GBHC141 and GBHC142X.
Added a version history of changes to model health certificates.
Published model health certificates: hides and skins from New Zealand (GBHC197) and game trophies from New Zealand (GBHC201).
Uploaded game trophies health certificate GBHC137E.
Uploaded hides, horns and trophies certificates: GBHC133E, GBHC134E, GBHC135E, GBHC136E, GBHC137E and GBHC142E. Updated hides, horns and trophies certificates: GBHC133X, GBHC134X, GBHC135X, GBHC136X, GBHC137X, GBHC141X and GBHC142X.
Added certificates: 5A 142/2011 GBHC133X, 6A 142/2011 GBHC136X, 6B 142/2011 GBHC137X and 18 142/2011 GBHC142X.
First published.