
HMCTS approved intermediaries

Use these guides to find an HMCTS approved intermediary.

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales



In Scotland this guidance only applies to HMCTS tribunals.

Before using these guides of approved intermediaries, you should read the guidance on HMCTS approved intermediary services.

There are 2 types of HMCTS approved intermediary services:

  • Managed and approved service providers (MASPs) are larger organisations, with intermediary service available nationally
  • Approved service providers (ASPs) are self-employed individuals who provide specialist intermediary services

If you are not legally represented, you can ask for intermediary support from the court or tribunal where the hearing will take place. Find out how to contact the court of tribunal.

If you are legally represented, your legal representative can make the arrangements for you.

If you are a legal representative, request an assessment of your client’s needs from one of the approved HMCTS providers in these lists.

Non-approved providers

You must book with one of our approved providers. However, there may be occasions when it is not possible. For example, when your client or the service user is already supported by a non-approved provider, and it is in their best interests to remain supported by them.

For services funded by HMCTS, you must ask for permission to use a non-approved provider by emailing We consider requests on a case-by-case basis and in consultation with the judiciary.

For services funded by the Legal Aid Agency (LAA), you will need to pay the non-approved provider directly and claim this back as a disbursement from the LAA. HMCTS will not pay for these services. For more information about this, contact the LAA for prior authority.

Feedback, help and support

To provide feedback to an HMCTS approved provider, contact them directly. All feedback is recorded and shared with HMCTS.

If you are unhappy with the service provided by an HMCTS approved provider, you should contact the provider to lodge your complaint. They will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within one working day.

Within 10 working days, the provider will determine if the complaint needs further investigation, can be resolved, or does not fall within their remit.

If their complaint response does not address your concerns, escalate your complaint to the court or tribunal where your case is being heard. Your complaint may be escalated to the HMCTS Contracted Services Division if needed. You will be kept informed of the timelines of investigation.

If you have any further questions about HMCTS appointed intermediary services, email

Updates to this page

Published 1 April 2022
Last updated 21 February 2025 show all updates
  1. Removed an approved service provider from the list. Added a new approved service provider to the list.

  2. Removed an approved service provider of intermediary services. Added an approved service provider of intermediary services.

  3. Moved Aspire from the ASP to the MASP list

  4. Removed two managed and approved service providers of intermediary services as they are no longer taking bookings under this framework.

  5. Specialism update to entries for 3 service providers

  6. Added 3 new providers to the ASPs list

  7. First published.

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