Request an HMCTS approved intermediary assessment
Use this form to book an intermediary for an assessment of a service user or client’s communication needs before attending a court or tribunal hearing, or to support them at a conference.
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
In Scotland this guidance only applies to HMCTS tribunals.
This form is for commissioning bodies and legal representatives. Before using this form, read the guidance on HMCTS approved intermediary services.
Use this form to:
- request an assessment of a service user or your client’s needs from one of the approved HMCTS intermediaries
- book an intermediary to support a service user or client at a conference
You must complete an assessment before you can book an intermediary for a court or tribunal hearing.
Some managed and approved service providers (MASPs) have an online booking portal in place of forms. See the information in the MASPs guide.
Complete section A of the form and then email a copy to your chosen approved intermediary. There is further guidance on the assessment booking steps within the form.
Once the assessment is complete, you can book an intermediary to attend a hearing or conference. You should then share any appropriate copies of reports and/or details of any diagnosed conditions or known vulnerabilities.
Funding and payment
The services provided by approved intermediaries are mostly funded by HMCTS, with no charges or payments required by legal representatives.
This is except for pre-hearing conferences in the family court. In these cases, legal representatives pay the invoices issued by the provider – and can then claim this back from the Legal Aid Agency (LAA), if applicable.
Legal aid
If the service user is being supported through legal aid, whether the service is funded by HMCTS or not, you must apply to the LAA for prior authority to incur disbursements.
If a judge has ordered an urgent assessment of a service user or support at a conference, you should submit the CRM4 eForm to the LAA Prior Authority team and call them on 0300 200 2020 (select option 2 and then option 2 again). The team will then deal with the request on an urgent basis. Please note that the standard turnaround time for a prior authority request is 48 hours, so this should only be used for very urgent cases.
Changes to funding
If a judge orders that HMCTS will fund a service not normally covered, the provider will be instructed to send their invoice to HMCTS.
Changes to a booking
If you need to change a booking, contact the provider at the earliest opportunity. If there are costs incurred for changes to a booking, the provider will:
- submit a change form to HMCTS, outlining any additional costs
- cancel the original booking form
- submit a new booking form to reflect the changes
You must also tell the court or tribunal that you have changed the booking. If you do not, and HMCTS has to pay additional costs, the judge may choose to pass those costs onto you.
Follow-up bookings
If the provider is unable to complete the service as quoted, for example if more time is needed for the assessment, hearing or conference, they will submit a new booking form for any follow-up services.
Rejected bookings
If a provider is unable to fulfil a request, they will reject the form and return it to you within 2 working days.
If a provider accepts a booking but subsequently cannot fulfil their obligation, they will immediately tell you and the court or tribunal.
Cancelled bookings
If you need to cancel a booking, contact the provider at the earliest opportunity. If costs have already been incurred, they will submit an invoice.
The provider will charge HMCTS a cancellation fee if:
- you cancel a booking 3 or fewer working days before the hearing date
- a hearing scheduled for more than one day finishes earlier than expected
- you cancel a conference or assessment the working day before the scheduled booking
You must also tell the court or tribunal that you have cancelled the booking. If you do not, and HMCTS has to pay cancellation costs, the judge may choose to pass those costs onto you.
Further help and support
If you have any further questions about HMCTS appointed intermediary services, email
Updates to this page
Added wording to the legal aid section on 'support at a conference'
Change to add booking for conferences and notes about cancellation fees
Uploaded new version of the form.
Added information in the Legal Aid section on submitting the CRM4 eForm.
First published.