Horizon Europe guarantee: updates for the UK research and development sector
The latest information on the guarantee to provide funding for successful UK applicants to Horizon Europe.
The UK agreed a deal to associate to Horizon Europe on 7 September 2023.
UK researchers can now apply for Horizon Europe funding, certain that all successful UK applicants will be covered through the UK’s association (or through the guarantee) for the remainder of the programme. Find more detail on the agreement.
All calls from Work Programme 2024 onwards will have their awards funded by the European Commission, and the UK guarantee scheme will be extended to cover all calls up to and including Work Programme 2023.
The ’Horizon Europe guarantee’ scheme provides funding to researchers and innovators who were unable to receive their Horizon Europe funding while the UK was in the process of associating.
Guarantee funding will continue to be delivered through UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), and details regarding the scope and terms of the extension to the guarantee are available on their website: Horizon Europe Guarantee: notice and guidance.
Updates to this page
Added link to Horizon Europe and Copernicus programmes - 2023 UK-EU agreement explainer.
Added link to Horizon Europe Guarantee scheme newly extended to support UK R&D press release.
Added link to Horizon Europe Guarantee press release announcing the latest extension which will support eligible, successful applicants, covering calls that will close on or before 30 June 2023.
Link to press release announcing government extension to Horizon Europe financial safety net added.
Horizon Europe guarantee extension announced.
First published.