Supporting UK R&D and collaborative research beyond European programmes
How the UK will transition to a new R&D programme if unable to associate to Horizon Europe, Copernicus and Euratom.
This paper provides an overview of the UK’s long-term Horizon Europe alternative which is currently being developed. This builds on UK strengths by investing in talent, research, innovation, R&D infrastructure and international collaboration.
It covers details of the transitional measures proposed to provide stability and continuity of funding for UK researchers and businesses, including:
- the Horizon Europe Guarantee
- funding for successful, in-flight applications
- uplifts to existing talent programmes
- uplifts to innovation support
- funding for research institutions most affected by the loss of Horizon Europe’s talent funding
- continued third country participation in Horizon Europe
An overview of the long-term vision for UK alternatives for the Copernicus and Euratom programmes is also included.