How to become a regulated immigration adviser
Details on how to become a registered immigration adviser including the 'new' Level 1 assessment, the online competence assessments and associated forms.
This guidance informs you about the process of how to become a registered adviser. It includes information about:
- the application process
- applying for the correct level
- competence assessment
Immigration Advice Authority online competence assessments
As well as details of the new online assessments, this collection contains immigration and asylum assessment syllabuses, sample question papers, assessment resources, guidance on the assessment process, the marking scheme for assessments and a list of the confirmed assessment dates.
Post-assessment processes
Applicants can still expect their assessment results approximately three weeks after they take their assessment. For most applications we will make a decision on their application for registration shortly after the results are available.
If an applicant does not pass the assessment and is refused registration, they can make a new application for registration. Any re-application must include what further training has been completed to ensure the applicant is now in a better position to pass the assessment. Applications resubmitted without details of further training will be refused. The IAA will not re-test an adviser within 4 weeks of their last registration decision.
Support for Level 1 candidates
To help support Level 1 applicants we have a number of Level 1 sample papers available. We encourage all applicants to use these practice papers in advance of the exams before applying for registration. This will help applicants understand if they are ready to sit the Level 1 assessment.
IAA application forms
Our online forms system includes all application forms for registration with the IAA. You can access the system via our online portal.
If you haven’t already registered, you will need to create an account. You can do this by selecting ‘Applications’ on the top menu of the portal. The ‘Guidance’ tab in the portal provides useful information to support you with your application form.
Updates to this page
Information in section 4.1 and section 4.2 updated to reflect change in process.
Guidance document updated to reflect new online application process.
Details updated with information about the OISC’s new online application process.
Link to application form has been removed from the website as the OISC moves to a new online system.
An additional line of information has been added under S3 - Check if you need to apply for registration
Updated fees information in the document 'How to become a regulated immigration adviser'.
Changes to the paragraph ' Ministerial Exemptions'.
Registration fee increase from May 2022
Information re Ministerial Exemptions updated
A new assessment process for Level 1 is being introduced to bring the assessment in line with Level 2 and Level 3 application processes.
Review of Relevant Matters following the UK's exit from the EU
Details of new online competence assessments added.
Interim change to DBS Certificate process during current health emergency
The previous information re "Local authority nationality and settlement checking services" has been removed
Guidance updated in relation to OISC jurisdiction and solicitors.
Guidance updated.
Guidance updated.
Added link to model documents
Update on competence marking
Amended guidance notes
Link added to DBS guidance document
First published.