Calculating continuous lawful period: caseworker guidance
Immigration staff guidance explaining how to calculate the 5 year continuous lawful period in the UK requirement for an applicant.
UK Visas and Immigration guidance for staff dealing with individuals who are applying for settlement in the UK on the following routes:
domestic workers in private households
dependants of a tier 1 entrepreneur and tier 1 investor
tier 1 (entrepreneur)
tier 1 (investor)
retired person of independent means
This includes information on:
deciding if the continuous period is spent lawfully in the UK
when absences will not break continuity when calculating if the continuous period requirement has been met
considering time spent overseas during the continuous period of residence
breaks in the continuous lawful period
lawful leave which continues whilst absent from the UK
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Updated the guidance on calculating the 5 year continuous period in the UK.
Guidance updated: removal of intra-company transfers provision.
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Guidance document updated.
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