Intercountry adoption: checklist for adoption agencies
Checklist detailing the paperwork adoption agencies must include in intercountry adoption applications they submit to DfE.
After approving intercountry adoption applicants as suitable to adopt, adoption agencies must send a completed application to the Department for Education (DfE) intercountry adoption casework team.
We recommend that agencies attach this checklist to the front of their application to make sure they send all the necessary documents.
The adoption applicant must complete the contact sheet as part of the application.
The checklist includes instructions on when to use the disclaimer.
The adoption applicant must satisfy residence and immigration status eligibility requirements.
Agencies must make sure that the application is complete before sending it to the casework team as the submission of incomplete files will result in delays.
Updates to this page
Added 'Intercountry adoption: resident status and immigration status requirements'.
The 'Intercountry adoption and resident status requirements' guidance has been removed and the 'Intercountry adoption application checklist' has been updated.
Updated forms for adoption agencies, local authorities, and prospective adopters of children from outside the United Kingdom. Added information for prospective adopters about intercountry adoption and residence status requirements.
Added revised version of checklist.
Added contact sheet and disclaimer forms.
First published.