Prepare for a review panel: adopters and foster carers
A summary of what attending a review panel is like and the documents that you can submit to the Independent Review Mechanism (IRM).
Applies to England
This guidance is for applicants who have been invited by the Independent Review Mechanism (IRM) to attend a review panel.
There’s separate guidance on Applying for a review panel and what a review panel is on our about us webpage.
All IRM review panels will be held remotely.
If your caseworker has asked you for specific information, they’ll tell you when you need to provide this by. Any information that’s included in the IRM panel papers will also be sent to your fostering service provider or adoption agency.
You must submit all documents before your review panel takes place - you cannot submit written information on the day of your review panel.
What you can send to the IRM
You should send:
- a list which itemises the documents you are submitting
- a summary (around 250 words) which explains why you have chosen to include these documents
The documents that you can send may include:
- important letters
- notes of meetings
- medical or legal information about your case
- information which the IRM has requested from you
If you’re unsure what documents to send, ask your caseworker for advice. You should only send copies of important documents - do not send the originals.
Send all documents by email using our contact details.
What you should not send to the IRM
Do not send any documents relating to looked-after children - for example, children looked after (CLA) reviews or medical information - unless you have the written permission of somebody with parental responsibility to share this information with the IRM.
It’s not usually helpful to send:
- lengthy information or documents
- information that’s not relevant to your agency’s original qualifying determination or your suitability to adopt or foster
- testimonials
- letters of support
Documents you’ll receive from the IRM
You’ll be sent a copy of the panel pack by email, usually 2 to 3 weeks before your review panel takes place. Panel packs are information and documents that you and your agency sent to your caseworker as well as letters or emails from the IRM.
For privacy reasons, you will not be sent:
- reports from IRM legal or medical advisers
- third-party information or documents that we do not have permission to share, such as references
If you have a query about documents in the panel pack
Contact your caseworker if there’s something in the panel pack that you have not seen and you do not agree with it.
Documents the IRM will ask your fostering service provider or adoption agency for
The panel will ask for:
- all documents considered by the fostering or adoption panel before your qualifying determination letter
- your response to reports and any submissions – we will not include the minutes of the fostering or adoption panel that led to the qualifying determination letter
- a copy of the qualifying determination letter
- medical reports and medical information (if needed)
- other relevant documents or queries relating to your case
Attending a review panel
You do not have to attend the IRM review panel, but if you choose not to attend, you cannot ask someone else to attend on your behalf.
You’ll be contacted 2 to 3 weeks before the review panel takes place and told who’ll be on your IRM panel. Contact us if you think a particular panel member should not be on the panel due to a conflict of interest.
All IRM review panels are held remotely using video conferencing. You will be sent an email a few days before the review panel with a link to join the virtual panel and some further instructions. When you join the virtual panel, you will enter a virtual waiting room until the panel host admits you to the panel. You will not be able to see anyone else in the waiting room.
What to expect
During the review panel, the panel will ask:
- you questions about your case
- your fostering service provider or adoption agency some questions
At the end of the IRM panel, you’ll also be able to make:
- some additional brief comments
- briefly comment on the answers from your fostering service provider or adoption agency
When the panel has finished, the panel host will transfer you back to the virtual waiting room. The panel host may need to readmit you to the panel to answer further questions or to clarify certain points. The panel host will let you know when the review is over and when you’re free to leave.
A review panel will last for about 3 hours.
Supporter and their role
You can have somebody give you emotional support during the review panel but they:
- cannot intervene during the panel hearing
- cannot speak on your behalf
- cannot represent you if you choose not to attend
Your supporter will also be sent a link to join the virtual panel.
People involved
The panel
The panel is made up of at least 5 voting members who have professional or personal experience of child placements.
The panel is independent of your agency.
Panel adviser
The panel adviser provides advice on legislation and gives guidance to ensure the IRM panel considers all relevant issues and follows the correct procedures.
The panel adviser is a non-voting member of the IRM panel.
Medical practitioner
A medical practitioner may give the panel written advice and attend the review panel if the panel asks them to.
Legal adviser
A legal adviser will give the panel written advice and is available by telephone during the IRM panel.
Panel secretary
The panel secretary takes minutes and is a non-voting member.
Panel host
The panel host will send you an email to attend a review panel remotely. They will admit you to the virtual waiting room and then to address the panel. The panel host is a full member of the panel.
Your agency
Your agency can attend the IRM panel and send up to 2 representatives. The agency can send anyone they think is suitable, but not the agency decision maker (ADM).
The IRM usually asks your agency to send representatives who can answer the panel’s questions, such as an assessing or supervising social worker or a manager.
How the IRM review panel reaches a recommendation
The review panel will make a recommendation based on:
- the information considered by your agency panel
- any additional information you submitted to the review panel
- any relevant information the agency received after they sent papers to their panel
- your IRM application and reasons for your application
- any other information IRM requests from you or your agency
- any medical advice IRM obtains
- legal advice from the IRM legal adviser
Next steps
7 working days after the review panel, you will be emailed the panel’s recommendation with the minutes from the panel following on the 10th working day. The minutes will not be a full (verbatim) record of what was discussed in the meeting.
The recommendation and minutes will be sent to you by email. If you do not have an email address, they will be posted to you and your agency.
Your agency’s final decision
The ADM will make a final decision, taking into account the IRM review panel’s recommendation.
The IRM review panel cannot overturn your agency’s final decision.
The IRM review panel can only make a recommendation to your adoption agency or fostering service on:
- your suitability to adopt or foster
- carrying out a full assessment if there’s only been a brief report
- what your terms of approval should be if you are a foster carer
You cannot appeal against the agency’s final decision. If you want to challenge their decision, you should take legal advice.
Use our complaints procedure to find out how you can complain.
You cannot complain about the IRM review panel’s recommendation. You can only complain about the service you have received or the handling of your case.
Independent Review Mechanism
PO Box 572
Phone 0113 202 2080
Phone lines are open between 9:30am and 12:30pm, Monday to Friday. Where possible, consider contacting us by email.
Updates to this page
Published 31 July 2020Last updated 19 September 2023 + show all updates
Updated 'Documents' section to clarify that information in the IRM panel papers is sent to your fostering service provider or adoption agency.
Updated the 'Next steps' section to change 12 working days to 7 working days.
First published.