Newton Fund: building science and innovation capacity in developing countries
Information on the Newton Fund and the fund's partner countries.
Information on the £735 million Newton Fund and the partner countries under the fund. It sets out 3 broad categories of activity under the fund.
Updates to this page
General update to Newton Fund details; link to evaluation of the Newton Fund added.
Added link to Kenya: Newton-Utafiti Fund.
Documents updated to reflect the extension of the fund by 2 years and changes to the amount of money awarded per year.
We have updated the call times for NERC / ESRC
Added a new call for TÜBİTAK/Newton grant fellowships for UK PhD and post-doctoral researchers
Added a new call 'ESRC-NSFC call for Collaborative Research Urban Transformations in China'.
Added 4 new calls: ESRC/NRF International Centre Partnerships, Grants for UK-Chile two-stage Applied Science and Technology Transfer projects, call for UK institutions to partner with Research Centres in Chile and South Africa Research Chairs Initiative.
We have added 'UK-Thailand - Joint Health Research Call' and 'Wellcome Trust-MRC Newton Fund Collaboration Call'.
2 new calls added: PhD placements in Turkey - Newton-Katip Çelebi Fund Climate Science for Service Partnerships: research opportunities
3 new calls added under bidding for research funding.
A new call has be added: 'UK-Vietnam Infectious Diseases Workshop: expressions of interest'
A new call has been added 'Atmospheric Pollution and Human Health in an Indian Megacity workshop'.
2 new calls added for Advanced Fellowships and 1 for Mobility Grants added.
List of open calls updated.
Call for 'Professional training and consultancy for innovation finance' added to section 4 of main (HTML) publication.
New call added: Capacity Building Programme for Colombian Start-ups, Small & Medium-Sized Enterprises and Accelerators
We have added a new call to the Newton Fund page. The call name is Atmospheric Pollution and Human Health in a Chinese Megacity Expressions of Interest.
We have added a new call to the Newton Fund page. The call name is BBSRC/EMBRAPA joint wheat call – pump-priming awards.
We have added a new call to the Newton Fund page. The call name is ESRC-AHRC-CASS International Centre Partnerships 2014.
New research funding call: Agri-Tech in China Newton Network+
Call for 'Newton-Bhabha PhD Placements Programme' added to section 4 of main (HTML) publication.
Call for 'Scoping the innovation training needs of policy-makers in the Pacific Alliance' added to section 4 of main (HTML) publication.
Call for 'India-UK Collaborative Industrial R and D Programme' added to section 4 of main (HTML) publication.
Call for Institutional Links South Africa added to section 4.
New call for : 'Global Research Partnership Aquaculture sandpit' added.
3 new call names have been added: Newton-Katip Celebi Fund Institutional Links; Newton-Picarte Fund Regional Institutional Links; UK-Chile FONDEF IDeA call.
We have added the following to the 'Bidding for research funding' table : (1) Newton Researcher Links Travel Grants (2) Newton Institutional Links (3) Newton Researcher Links Workshops.
Added links to Newton Fund: building science and innovation capacity in developing countries.
Added delivery partners to the html attachment
Researcher Links: Newton Fund Travel Grant added to table
Climate Science for Service Partnership (CSSP) Climate Services: Research into Sector Based Climate Services WP5.2 closing date change
Added links to Newton Fund China research calls
Added link to new Newton Fund India reasearch call.
A list of all current research calls added to section 4. 'Bidding for research funding'.
Added a set of documents providing background information about the Fund
Added link to Newton Fund Chile research call
First published.