
Prison dogs Policy Framework

This policy framework provides instructions for managers and front-line staff to ensure that training, care and deployment of prison dogs.

Applies to England and Wales


Prison dogs Policy Framework

Supplementary guidance


The Prison Dogs Policy Framework underpins the professional practice and oversight of HMPPS dog operation and adherence to it will ensure consistent application of training and licensing standards, retention, deployment and decision-making to dog team resources. It It is further supported by, and should be read in conjunction with, the Prison Dogs Supplementary Guidance document.

This policy framework provides instructions for managers and front-line staff to ensure that training, care and deployment of prison dogs always operates within the boundaries of authority set out in this framework. The Operational Response and Resilience Unit (ORRU) will ensure that it is reviewed regularly, and that it remains aligned to departmental priorities, reflects regulations and law, and includes the latest evidence lead practice.

Updates to this page

Published 23 July 2021
Last updated 29 November 2021 show all updates
  1. Framework updated.

  2. First published.

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