Recovery data for the 2008 Diffuse Mesothelioma Scheme
Data on lump sum payments recovered under the 2008 Diffuse Mesothelioma Scheme and the Pneumoconiosis etc. (Workers’ Compensation) Act 1979 (PWCA).
The tables show the lump sum payments recovered under the 2008 Diffuse Mesothelioma Scheme and the Pneumoconiosis etc. (Workers’ Compensation) Act 1979 (PWCA). We have also included tables showing the breakdown of the PWCA lump sum recoveries into mesothelioma and non-mesothelioma cases.
The Compensation Recovery Unit has recovered these lump sum payments since 1 October 2008. The breakdown of the PWCA cases has only been available from April 2010.
Updates to this page
Added data on lump sum payments recovered for the Diffuse Mesothelioma Payment Scheme from April 2023 to March 2024.
Updated the 2022 to 2023: Lump sum payments recovered and 2023: PWCA breakdown attachments.
Added recovery data for May 2022, lump sum payments recovered (2022 to 2023) and PWCA breakdown (2022 to 2023). Updated the April 2022 figures for the PWCA breakdown.
Added recovery data for April 2022, lump sum payments recovered (2022 to 2023) and PWCA breakdown (2022 to 2023).
Added recovery data for March 2022, lump sum payments recovered (2021 to 2022) and PWCA breakdown (2021 to 2022).
Added recovery data for February 2022, lump sum payments recovered (2021 to 2022) and PWCA breakdown (2021 to 2022).
Added recovery data for January 2022, lump sum payments recovered (2021 to 2022) and PWCA breakdown (2021 to 2022).
Added recovery data for December 2021, lump sum payments recovered (2021 to 2022) and PWCA breakdown (2021 to 2022).
Added data on lump sum payments recovered under the 2008 Diffuse Mesothelioma Scheme and the Pneumoconiosis etc. (Workers’ Compensation) Act 1979 for November 2021.
Added recovery data for the 2008 Diffuse Mesothelioma Scheme for January to March 2021 (the end of year position). Also added recovery data for April 2021 to October 2021 (the year to date position).
Added recovery data for the 2008 Diffuse Mesothelioma Scheme for October to December 2020.
Added recovery data for the 2008 Diffuse Mesothelioma Scheme for April to September 2020.
Added recovery data for the 2008 Diffuse Mesothelioma Scheme for April 2019 to March 2020.
Added recovery data for the 2008 Diffuse Mesothelioma Scheme for January to March 2019.
Added recovery data for the 2008 Diffuse Mesothelioma Scheme for November to December 2018.
Added recovery data for the 2008 Diffuse Mesothelioma Scheme for April to October 2018.
Added recovery data for the 2008 Diffuse Mesothelioma Scheme for November 2017 to March 2018.
Added data for July 2016 to October 2017 to the 2016/17 and 2017/18 tables.
Added data for April to June 2016 to the 2016 to 2017 tables.
Added data for March 2016 to the 2015 to 2016 tables.
Added data for February 2016 to the 2015 to 2016 tables.
Added data for January 2016 to the 2015 to 2016 tables.
Added data for December to the 2015 to 2016 tables.
Added data for October to November to the 2015 to 2016 tables.
Added data for August to September to the 2015 to 2016 tables.
Added data for April to July to the 2015 to 2016 tables.
Added data for January to March 2015 to the 2014 to 2015 tables.
Published data for November and December 2014.
Published data for October 2014.
Added data for September 2014.
Published updated data for 2014 to 2015 (Lump sum payments recovered and PWCA breakdowns).
Published lump sum payments recovered and 'Pneumoconiosis etc. (Workers’ Compensation) Act 1979 (PWCA)' breakdown CSV files with figures for April and May 2014.
Updated Lump sum payments recovered and PWCA breakdown CSV files with latest figures for 2013 to 2014 (March 2014 data).
Updated Lump sum payments recovered and PWCA breakdown CSV files with latest figures for 2013 to 2014.
First published.