Scoping and Evaluation reports for the 5G Testbeds and Trials Programme
The 5G Testbeds and Trials Programme is scheduled to undertake one scoping study and three evaluations of the Programme (in 2020, 2022, and 2025), which will be published here.
The evaluation scoping study and baseline report establishes the programme’s evaluation approach. It recommends a total of three evaluations (initial, interim, and final evaluations) and a contribution analysis methodology.
Further, it recommends that: process, impact, and economic evaluations take place and establishes that interviews, document review, and surveys should be used to establish an evidence base. It outlines the programmes theory of change, success metrics, and timelines for the evaluation stages.
The Initial Evaluation Main Report covers the performance at a portfolio level focusing mainly on the process and impact of the programme as established in the scoping report.
It concludes that there is emerging evidence that the programme has had the project level impacts intended, but it is too early to determine the wider macroeconomic and ecosystem impacts.
It sets out lessons learnt and findings to help improve future phases of evaluation. There was not enough evidence to establish the programme’s impact on the system and state. However, the individual projects outcomes did not disprove the theory of change.
The case study annex reports on the detailed analysis of each project funded (all six of the initial testbed and trials projects as the 5GUK Test Network and the organisation UK5G). This document provides a much richer narrative around the different technologies that were deployed and which applications worked and not.
Following the initial evaluation, the interim and final evaluations are planned for 2022 and 2025 respectively. They will both follow up on the same topics as the initial evaluation with the addition of an analysis of the economic impact of the programme
Evaluation Scoping Study and Baseline
This report sets out the recommendations made to DCMS on what to include in the evaluation strategy, when to carry out evaluations, and their scope
Process and Early Impact Evaluation of the 5G Testbeds and Trials Programme
This report sets out the findings of the initial evaluation of the programme. It also provides recommendations and lessons learnt from the early phases of the programme/ The accompanying annex provides the in depth cases studies for each one of the studied projects