
The Defence Technology Exploitation Programme

The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) supported by Innovate UK has launched a new opportunity to apply for grant funding.


MOD Enduring Capability Challenges

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DTEP Assessment Criteria

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DTEP Webinar Presentation

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DTEP is currently paused for new Outline proposals. Watch this space for future updates.

The Defence Technology Exploitation Programme (DTEP) aims to inspire companies to win new business, develop industrial capabilities, and provide new cutting-edge answers to defence problems at home and abroad, ensuring the UK expands its competitive, pioneering and world-class defence and security industries.

Individual grants of up to 50% of a project’s value – to a maximum of £500K per grant - will be available through DTEP for collaborative projects between SMEs and larger suppliers, supporting the integration of novel technologies, materials and processes into Defence supply chains.

Updates to this page

Published 27 July 2022
Last updated 7 May 2024 show all updates
  1. Removed the sentence about DASA transparency data

  2. DTEP paused following the close of cycle 5

  3. 1. Added the following statement to the top of the competition document: DTEP is currently paused for new Outline proposals until the next financial year (from April 2024). Watch this space for future updates. 2. Updated the Public-facing information section to include the sharing of the Proposal Value Proposition Statement

  4. Updated section 9. Confirming the dates for cycle 5 and the pause for new DTEP applications.

  5. Made section 4 'Funding' clearer.

  6. Updated cycle dates

  7. Requirement for UK limited company status added

  8. New cycle dates added

  9. Updated dates for Cycles 3 and 4.

  10. 1. Reorganised the Frequently asked questions attachment 2. Added a paragraph to the bottom of section 5.2 Form a consortium or find a Higher Tier Supplier on engagement with third parties during the procurement process. 3. Update the links to the Innovate UK Terms and Conditions

  11. Added the requirement for Independent Accounts Reports following a successful application and receipt of Grant Offer Letter from Innovate. Added the requirement for Full proposals to be submitted within 2 cycles following a Proceed recommendation of Outline Proposals from the Panel. Clarified that the Industry Review Penal will review Full Proposals prior to the Pitch. Updated Assessment Criteria attached. Added a exploitation plans as a requirement during project set up. Added the ability for applicants to review the panel Q&A and provide a 300 word statement following the pitch.

  12. New Assessment Criteria Document. Added a line under Desirability/Strategic Fit: - The proposal fits with the definition of industrial research, which can be found here.

  13. - Updated the Assessment Criteria, some small clarifications have been added. These will effect future cycles, not those already in assessment. - Added more guidance on the assessment process.

  14. Guidance Document - Added a sentence in 'Assessment of the full proposal' to make it clear the proposal should be able to be assessed in 1 hour and 30 mins.

  15. 1. Updated the last bullet point in the Mandatory criteria, MODREC is not the only ethical approval which might be required. 2. Updated the Assessment Criteria PDF and links to it. The Industry Panel Review Criteria has been added, the Assessment Criteria remains the same

  16. New links to Innovate Funding Rules and cost guidance have been added to part 6.

  17. Added the DTEP outline and full proposal Cycle 4 dates

  18. Added an new Question and Answer to the bottom of 'DTEP Frequently asked questions'

  19. DTEP Frequently asked questions - Added FAQs from latest DTEP Webinar Guidance Document: The Defence Technology Exploitation Programme (DTEP)/3. MOD Enduring Capability Challenges - Corrected 2.1 to Human Machine Teaming

  20. Added DTEP webinar to section 10 of the guidance document. DTEP cycle dates also updated in section 9 of the guidance document.

  21. The DTEP FAQs document has been updated

  22. - Added new Document: DTEP Presentation - Added upcoming webinar info (9 November 2022) to section 10 of the competition document

  23. The need to complete a Supplier Assurance Questionnaire has been removed from this competition.

  24. The FAQ document has been updated with additional questions.

  25. First published.

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