Guidance Document: The Defence Technology Exploitation Programme (DTEP)
Updated 7 May 2024
DTEP is currently paused for new Outline proposals. Watch this space for future updates.
1. Introduction
The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) supported by Innovate UK and ADS Group has launched a new opportunity to apply for grant funding: The Defence Technology Exploitation Programme (DTEP). This £16M programme, running initially for 3 years, is owned by MOD’s Directorate of Industrial Strategy and Exports (DISE) and was announced in the Defence and Security Industrial Strategy (DSIS) in March 2021.
1.1 What is the Defence Technology Exploitation Programme?
DTEP is designed to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across the UK to develop innovative materials, technologies and processes, and to enhance defence supply chains. DTEP was announced as part of the Defence and Security Industrial Strategy (DSIS) which laid out plans to drive innovation and improvements in productivity and efficiency, and to accelerate the development of next-generation technologies; ensuring the UK expands its competitive, pioneering and world-class defence and security industries.
DTEP aims to inspire companies to win new business, develop industrial capabilities, and provide new cutting-edge answers to defence problems at home and abroad. The programme will offer up to 50% grant funding to collaborations between UK-registered Lower Tier Suppliers and Higher Tier Suppliers (see definitions in section 2.1 and section 2.2, developing projects which support the current and upcoming equipment capabilities and technology priorities of the Ministry of Defence (MOD). The maximum total allowable value of each DTEP project is £1M (therefore, the maximum grant award is £500K).
The grant awards will be provided by Innovate UK. It should be noted that for this programme, you will be asked to agree to the Innovate UK Terms and Conditions, which can be found here.
DTEP aims to:
- strengthen the technology development capabilities of UK defence supply chain companies
- create / sustain high value jobs in the UK defence supply chain
- enable the development of technologies in line with the MOD Enduring Capability Challenges (see section 3)
1.2 What are the benefits of applying to DTEP?
DTEP will give you the opportunity to:
- deliver new technology, materials or processes into the UK defence supply chain
- create new cutting-edge supply chain collaborations that align to the MOD Enduring Capability Challenges
- develop the industrial capabilities of your SME
- scale up and supply to defence
1.3 What are the core criteria?
Before considering entering into the DTEP submission process, you must ensure that:
- you are based in the UK and plan to deliver your project in the UK
- you intend to partner with a UK-registered Higher Tier Supplier (as defined in section 2.2) at the point of submission and for the duration of the project
- your project has a strong alignment with at least one of the given MOD Enduring Capability Challenges (as detailed in section 3)
1.4 How do I apply and what support is available?

Identify: Define a project that would deliver a benefit to the defence supply chain by delivering new processes, materials or technology. You are strongly encouraged to discuss with your regional DASA Innovation Partner and identify a Higher Tier Supplier to form a consortium. DASA Innovation Partners are located throughout the UK and are available to help you understand opportunities across the Defence and Security community. A DASA Business Relationship Manager will be available to give you guidance on forming an effective consortium as well as working with you throughout the submission process. The DASA Business Relationship Manager’s role is to support the formation of supply chain consortia for appropriate development projects, and to help you to understand the mechanics and dynamics of the programme.
Review: Fill out a DTEP outline proposal. The project will be reviewed by an Industry Project Review Panel which will include experts from industry, across a range of defence organisations and representing a wide range of UK regions where possible. The Panel will review your outline proposal for innovation, alignment to the MOD Enduring Capability Challenges (see section 3), and commercialisation potential. At this stage, you will receive feedback from the Panel via a DASA Business Relationship Manager, which will help you develop the proposal. The DASA Business Relationship Manager will also provide guidance on collaboration agreements and intellectual property protection.
Pitch: Complete a DASA DTEP full proposal utilising feedback. The Industry Review Panel will review your project prior to a pitch from you (Dragons’ Den style). As in step 2, the panel will be comprised of experts from industry and will review your proposal and pitch for innovation, alignment to the MOD Enduring Capability Challenges and commercialisation potential. Following the presentation you will able to clarify answers given during the Q&A and give a statement up to 300 words to your Business Relationship Manager. The feedback of the Industry Project Review Panel and your statement will be taken into consideration by MOD assessors.
Assessment: Your proposal and feedback from the Industry Project Review Panel will then be passed to MOD assessors, who will assess your proposal for its alignment to the MOD Enduring Capability Challenges and against the criteria detailed in section 5, here and here.
Award: If your project is recommended for funding, you will be asked to complete a form through Innovate UK’s Innovation Funding Service. Innovate UK will award a grant subject to a successful credit check. The project can then be started with the Higher Tier Supplier and any other consortium partners (see section 2.1). The DASA Business Relationship Manager will support you during the delivery of the project. Innovate UK will assign you a Monitoring Officer who will monitor your progress throughout the project. Your Monitoring Officer is your first point of contact for official notifications, queries and correspondence with Innovate UK.
2. Eligibility
In order to be eligible to apply for a DTEP grant, there must be a collaboration in place between a Lower Tier Supplier and a Higher Tier Supplier, both of which must be registered in the UK. The Lower Tier supplier must lead on all elements of the submission process. The two tiers are defined as follows:
2.1 Lower Tier Supplier: The innovator:
- Must be a UK-registered SME (or smaller) business:
- The UK government’s definition of SMEs encompasses businesses with fewer than 250 employees and an annual turnover under €50 million. For more information on company sizes, please refer to the company accounts guidance. This is a change from the EU definition unless you are applying under State aid. If you are applying for an award funded under State aid Regulations, the definitions are set out in the European Commission Recommendation of 6 May 2003.
- The business can be foreign owned but must comply with the National Security and Investments Act and can follow up with DASA if unsure.
- Under current Innovate UK grant funding restrictions, we will not fund any Russian entity as lead, partner or subcontractor. This includes any goods or services originating from a Russian source.
- Will need to enter into a collaboration agreement with a Higher Tier Supplier.
- Must be based in the UK and carry out the project development activity in the UK.
- Must submit a proposal to work with the Higher Tier Supplier on a project that starts at Technology or Business Readiness Level between 3-7 where a clear outcome is defined. The project should also fit the definition of industrial research, which can be found here.
- Must show that the project has clear technical, manufacturing or process benefit and how it will create or safeguard jobs.
- Must have intent to commercially exploit the project outcome in the UK.
In addition, the Lower Tier Supplier may collaborate and sub-contract with other SMEs, Research and Technology Organisations (RTO’s) or Academia. Collaborators must also be UK-registered and must carry out project development activity in the UK.
It is only the Lower Tier Supplier that is eligible to receive grant funding.
2.2 Higher Tier Supplier: The Higher Tier partner must:
- Be a UK-registered business who has development facilities in the UK:
- The business must either be part of an existing defence supply chain or intend to develop or join a new supply chain for new or existing MOD technology areas.
- The business can be foreign owned but must comply with National Security and Investments Act and can follow up with DASA if unsure.
- Under current Innovate UK grant funding restrictions, we will not fund any Russian entity as lead, partner or subcontractor. This includes any goods or services originating from a Russian source.
- Freely contribute their own resources, e.g. staff time, equipment, facilities, expertise etc. to work with the Lower Tier Supplier to undertake their collaborative project (minimum 15% of the grant value). This in addition to (not part of) the total project value.)
- Be based in the UK and carry out the collaboration with the Lower Tier Supplier in the UK.
- Demonstrate a clear use and commercialisation path for the project, with benefit to the defence supply chain.
- Commit to support the Lower Tier Supplier until the completion of the project.
The Higher Tier Supplier will not be eligible for grant funding.
3. MOD Enduring Capability Challenges
Your innovation must align with one or more of the MOD Enduring Capability Challenges in the table below. These areas are likely to evolve in future cycles of the programme.
Capability challenge | DTEP technical area |
1. Pervasive Full Spectrum Multidomain Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) | 1.1 Processing, Evaluation and Dissemination (PED) |
1.2 Improved Performance Datalinks | |
1.3 Sensors and Detectors | |
2. Multi-Domain Command, Control, Communications and Computing (C4) | 2.1 Human Machine Teaming |
2.2 Technology Enablers for future Military Satellite Communications (MilSatCom) | |
3. Securing and Sustaining Advantage in the Sub-Threshold | 3.1 Social Media “Influence” Campaign Optimization & Evaluation |
3.2 Communications Security & Resilience | |
4. Asymmetric and Hard Power | 4.1 Threat detection |
4.2 Defensive Measures | |
5. Freedom of Access and Manoeuvre in Key Domains and Environments | 5.1 UXV Swarming and Intelligent Co-operation |
5.2 Solutions for Enhanced Space Domain Awareness (SDA) | |
5.3 Support Chain Optimisation Technologies |
Further detail for each of these technical areas of interest can be found here.
3.1 We are interested in…
Your proposal should include evidence of:
- technology, processes or materials that can be pulled into the defence supply chain
- collaboration with a Higher Tier Supplier evidence of potential commercialisation pathway through to strategic supplier
3.2 We are not interested in…
We are not interested in proposals that:
- are low-TRL research
- constitute consultancy, paper-based studies or literature reviews which just summarise the existing literature without any view of future innovation
- offer demonstrations of off-the-shelf products requiring no experimental development (unless applied in a novel way to the challenge)
- offer no real long-term prospect of integration into defence and security capabilities
- offer no real prospect of out-competing existing solutions
4. Funding
DTEP offers companies grant funding of up to 50% of a total project costs. There is no lower limit to project cost, however, the maximum allowable project value is £1M so the maximum grant award is £500K. It is expected that most project total costs will be between £200K and £1M. Projects must plan to start as soon as successful applicants receive their Innovate UK grant offer letter and run for a maximum duration of 18 months.
The Higher Tier Supplier must contribute a minimum of 15% of the grant value through their own resources, e.g. staff time, equipment, facilities, expertise etc. This in addition to (not part of) the total project value. This should be detailed within the full proposal.
5. Process
5.1 Defining your project
The first step is to consider the scope of your innovation, what you intend to achieve through the project and its alignment with one of the MOD Enduring Capability Challenges. Make sure that you have read the full detail of the identified capability here. We strongly recommend that you then contact your regional DASA Innovation Partner by submitting a contact form. Your DASA Innovation Partner can give guidance on the following:
- Strength of the alignment to the MOD Enduring Capability Challenges.
- Collaboration with a Higher Tier partner.
- Overall suitability to enter DTEP at this time.
5.2 Form a consortium or find a Higher Tier Supplier
A collaboration could form in a number of ways:
- An existing work relationship or your own current networks. We would anticipate that the majority of collaborations would form in this way.
- By signing up to the new DASA Idea’s Marketplace. Use of keywords and the search function could help you find a consortium partner.
- Through guidance from your regional DASA Innovation Partner, who may have suitable contacts.
- The SME Action Plan has contact points for the strategic defence suppliers in Annex A.
- A Trade Association should be able to introduce you to relevant companies in the defence supply chain if you are a member.
- The Defence Suppliers Directory (Armed will tell you who already supplies complementary products to defence or hosts relevant platforms as a potential partner for you to reach out to.
- At future DASA collaboration events.
Once you have a Higher Tier Supplier identified, your regional DASA Innovation Partner, along with a DASA Business Relationship Manager, will look at your readiness to enter DTEP. They will work with you to understand your readiness to engage with the Higher Tier Supplier. Some points for consideration at this juncture will include (but not be limited to):
- Your current level of intellectual property protection.
- What you have already registered or not registered.
- How familiar you are with handling issues of confidentiality (e.g. use of non-disclosure agreements).
- How best to share proprietary information.
- To what extent you have previously collaborated.
- Who you have collaborated with.
- Knowledge of collaboration agreements.
- Possible future commercial relationship arrangements.
The outcome of this discussion will be the provision of guidance and tools to suit your needs in order to prepare you for the outline submission process.
The DASA Business Relationship Manager will be able to offer further guidance in forming the consortium, including appropriate collaboration agreements and protection of intellectual property.
DASA reserves the right to disclose on a confidential basis any information it receives from innovators during the procurement process (including information identified by the innovator as Commercially Sensitive Information in accordance with the provisions of this competition) to any third party engaged by DASA for the specific purpose of evaluating or assisting DASA in the evaluation of the innovator’s proposal. In providing such information the innovator consents to such disclosure. Appropriate confidentiality agreements will be put in place.
5.3 Outline submission
Having identified the remit of your project and formed a consortium with a Higher Tier Supplier you are eligible to enter the first submission stage: the outline proposal. Submissions will be received via the DASA Online Submission Service for which you will be required to register. Only proposals submitted through the DASA Online Submission Service will be accepted. The DTEP outline proposal option can be found under the “DASA Innovation Outline” service category once you have logged in and clicked the “Start now” button.
Submissions are accepted throughout the year with close dates for review set every three months.
The outline proposal form will ask you for the following:
- Impact: Project summary and outputs, route to commercialisation and benefit to the defence supply chain.
- Innovation: What you hope to achieve and alignment to MOD Enduring Capability Challenges, how is your approach innovative
- Engagement: An overview of your collaboration discussions taking place with a Higher Tier Supplier, including how they can support the project.
The DASA Business Relationship Manager will be able to give you guidance in completing this form.
The outline submission will be reviewed by an initial Industry Project Review Panel (managed by ADS Group). Your submission will be shared in full with the Panel who will have non-disclosure agreements in place to protect your intellectual property and ensure there are no conflicts of interest.
Please note that by submitting your outline proposal, you are agreeing to the information sharing detailed above.
The panel will review the outline proposal against the DTEP assessment criteria to ensure that it:
- is innovative
- aligns with one of the MOD Enduring Capability Challenges and therefore addresses a defence need
- has a viable route to market
You will receive feedback following this review. This will be released to you and the DASA Business Relationship Manager will discuss it with you. If you are successful at this stage, you will be invited to move on to the next submission stage.
5.4 Full submission
Once you have received approval of your outline proposal following the panel review, you will be eligible to complete the full submission form. Once you have received approval of your outline proposal you will need to submit your full proposal within the next 2 cycles. Your DASA Business Relationship Manager will be available to give guidance and advice as you prepare your full DTEP proposal which will be submitted through the DASA Online Submission Service. Only proposals submitted through the DASA Online Submission Service will be accepted.
Please note that by submitting a full proposal, you are agreeing to the Innovate UK terms and conditions that can be found here.
Mandatory criteria
In order for a full proposal submission to be taken forward to full assessment, it must meet the following mandatory criteria:
- It must align with at least one of the five MOD Enduring Capability Challenges.
- It must start at Technology or Business Readiness Level between 3-7. The project should also fit the definition of industrial research, which can be found here. It must comprise a supply chain technology consortium of at least two entities, one of which is a Lower Tier Supplier (and will submit the proposal), one of which is a Higher Tier Supplier (as defined in section 2.1 and section 2.2).
- Both Lower and Higher Tier Suppliers must be based in the UK, intending to carry out project work in the UK and intending to exploit the results from or in the UK.
- The project must have a total project value which doesn’t exceed £1M (maximum grant value of £500K).
- The Higher Tier Supplier must contribute a minimum of 15% of the grant value through their own resources, e.g. staff time, equipment, facilities, expertise etc. This in addition to (not part of) the total project value.)
- The proposal must demonstrate a viable route to market.
- The proposal must have a maximum project duration of 18 months. There is no lower limit to project duration, but we would typically expect to fund projects lasting upwards of 12 months.
- Projects must plan to start within 6 months of grant award date.
- The proposal identifies the need and addresses any ethical / legal / regulatory requirements related to your project (see below).
What is required for the full submission
- When submitting a proposal, you must complete all sections of the online form, including an appropriate level of information to allow assessment of the bid and a completed finances section.
- Completed proposals must comply with the financial rules set for this competition. The upper project value for this competition is £1M (i.e. maximum grant award of £500K) (ex VAT). Proposals will be rejected if the financial cost exceeds this capped level. The Higher Tier Supplier must contribute a minimum of 15% of the grant value through their own resources, e.g. staff time, equipment, facilities, expertise etc. This in addition to (not part of) the total project value.) Include detail of how this contribution will be made in your proposal.
- You must include a list of other current or recent government funding you may have received in this area if appropriate, making it clear how this proposal differs from this work.
- Your proposal must outline how you will complete all activities/services and provide all deliverables within the competition timescales (maximum of 18 months from the project start). Proposals with any deliverables (including final report) outside of the timeline will be rejected as non-compliant. Please note that you will be asked to provide a detailed project plan and project finances to Innovate UK if you are recommended for funding. At this stage, assessors just need to understand how the project will be structured.
- The proposal must also include a brief (uncosted) outline of the next stages of work required for commercialisation and evidence of routes to commercialisation with Higher Tier Supplier.
Within your proposal, you must also demonstrate that the project team:
- Has the right mix of skills and experience to complete the project.
- Has a track record in managing research and development projects.
- Has clear objectives and roles or responsibilities.
- Has additional benefits by being part of a consortium.
How to outline your commercialisation plan
A higher technology or business maturity level is expected by completion of the project. Include the following information to help the assessors understand your commercialisation plans to date:
- The intended defence customer users of your final product and whether the consortium has previously engaged with them.
- Awareness of, and alignment to, any existing end user procurement programmes.
- The anticipated benefits (for example, in cost, time, improved capability) that the solution will provide to the defence supply chain.
- Whether it is likely to be a standalone product or integrated with other technologies or platforms.
- Expected additional work required beyond the end of the grant to develop an operationally deployable commercial product (for example, “scaling up” for manufacture, cyber security, integration with existing technologies, environmental operating conditions).
Long term projects may not be able to articulate commercialisation in great detail, but it should be clear that there is a strong potential to benefit the defence supply chain.
Ethical/legal/regulatory factors
You must identify any ethical / legal / regulatory factors within your proposal and how the associated risks will be managed, including break points in the project if approvals are not received.
MODREC approvals can take up to five months and you should plan your work programme accordingly. If you are unsure if your proposal will need to apply for MODREC approval, then please refer to the MODREC Guidance for Suppliers or contact your DASA Innovation Partner or Business Relationship Manager for further guidance.
Failure to provide the above listed will automatically render your proposal non-compliant.
You must take reasonable account of the guidance on trusted research and innovation issued by the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure
You must also comply with the requirements stated in The National Security and Investment (NSI) Act 2020
You should be aware in relation to the potential future export of technology and products developed as part of DTEP of the HMG’s guidance on export controls and licencing Export controls and licensing, including MOD’s guidance around Export controls. If applicable, your DASA Business Relationship Manager will be able to advise further on this.
Assessment of the full proposal
The assessment of full DTEP proposals will happen in following stages.
You will be asked to present your project to the Industry Project Review Panel (managed by ADS Group). As with the outline proposal, suitable non-disclosure agreements will be in place to protect your intellectual property and avoid conflicts of interest. The DASA Business Relationship Manager will be able to give you guidance in order to prepare for this presentation. Panel meetings will be hybrid with an option to attend remotely and further details will be issued on receipt of your full proposal. Dates of these can be found in section 9.
After the industry review, experts from across UK government will be assigned to assess your proposal. Please note that the DTEP assessment criteria varies slightly from the standard DASA assessment criteria. The feedback of the Industry Project Review Panel will be taken into consideration by MOD assessors.
During the assessment phase all proposals are assessed against the following criteria:
- desirable: strategic fit, end user support/pull
- feasible: technical credibility, innovation, risk, expertise of team/capability
- viable: costs and value for money, project delivery/plan
The full MOD assessment criteria can be found here. Each assessor should be able to read, understand and assess your proposal within 1 hour and 30 minutes.
After assessment, a moderator will compile an overview, pulling together comments to provide a collective outcome in the form of a ‘Fund’, ‘No Fund’ ‘No Fund - Resubmit’ recommendation against the proposal.
Stakeholders/moderators are invited to challenge the recommendation made against each proposal. Challengers present their argument both in written form for circulation and at the decision conference.
Decision conference
At the decision conference, key stakeholders come together to discuss the recommendation. The moderator attends the decision conference to present the recommendation for the proposal and to defend the proposal against any challenges that may have been submitted. Challengers attend the decision conference to present their challenges in order to promote robust discussion prior to the decision being made. At the end of the decision conference, a decision is made against each proposal on whether to fund it. Innovators are not permitted to attend the Decision Conference.
Decision release
You’ll be notified by your BRM and email when we’ve made a decision on whether or not to fund your proposal. If your proposal is recommended for funding at the decision conference, Innovate UK will request further details and complete a credit check as detailed in section 6. If you are unsuccessful at this stage, you will receive feedback and you will be allowed to resubmit your proposal should you wish.
6. Awarding of grant
Innovate UK will be providing the grant award mechanism for DTEP. Prior to starting your proposal, please make sure you have read and understood the Innovate Funding Rules and cost guidance.
If your submission is recommended for funding at the MOD decision conference Innovate UK will request further information to be submitted into the Innovation Funding service as follows:
- A project plan with clear milestones and deliverables must be provided. Deliverables must be well defined and designed to provide evidence of progress against the project plan and the end-point for this project. The project plan must include a final report as a deliverable.
- Project finances.
- A resourcing plan.
- A PDF of your collaboration agreement.
- A PDF of your submission into DASA.
- A exploitation plan, based on the content of your DASA proposal, will need to be provided to Innovate when you enter project set up.
The Lower Tier Supplier will be asked to submit this information. The Higher Tier Partner will not be eligible to claim grant funding.
Please note you will not be awarded funding if you have:
- failed to exploit a previously funded Innovate UK project
- an overdue independent accountant’s report
- failed to comply with grant terms and conditions
Note that under current Innovate UK grant funding restrictions, DTEP will not fund any procurement, commercial, business development or supply chain activity with any Russian entity as lead, partner or subcontractor. This includes any goods or services originating from a Russian source.
Innovate UK will also complete a credit check. An overview of this process is described below:
What steps are there before a project starts?.
You will have a maximum of 90 days to complete this stage. Your project must plan to start within 6 months of the grant award.
Innovate UK will provide financial monitoring of your project throughout the duration of the grant and will assign a Monitoring Officer to your project. Innovate require you to provide a Independent Accountants Report for your first and last grant claim; these should be arranged after receipt of your Grant Offer Letter. A list of independent accounts can be provided by Innovate on request. You can find more information about the monitoring process below:
How are successful projects monitored?.
The DASA Business Relationship Manager will remain in contact throughout the project to offer guidance and support where appropriate.
A final project report must include details of project progress and outputs, and demonstrate a viable route to market for Commercial exploitation of capability. The report should also highlight business growth opportunities directly or indirectly linked to the DTEP grant funded project.
Applicants will be required to support the evaluation of the DTEP programme following the end of their project, by providing data on programme Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) at regular intervals through surveys or interviews on project delivery and impact, for up to three years following completion of their project. This information may be used within DTEP programme case studies.
7. Public-facing information
When submitting your proposal, you will be required to include a title, short abstract and Proposal Value Proposition Statement (PVPS). The title, abstract and PVPS you provide will be used by DASA, and other government departments, to describe your project and its intended outcomes and benefits. They may be included at DASA events in relation to this competition and in documentation such as brochures. As this information can be shared, it should not contain information that may compromise intellectual property.
You can find Innovate UK’s privacy notice and information management policy here. Innovate UK will also be required to share an overview of your project (including title and short abstract) in a public report which can be found here.
8. Subsidy Control and State Aid
This competition provides funding in line with the UK’s obligations and commitments to Subsidy Control. Further information about the UK Subsidy Control requirements can be found within the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation agreement and the subsequent guidance from the Department for Business and Trade.
Innovate UK is unable to award organisations that are considered to be in financial difficulty. Innovate UK will conduct financial viability and eligibility tests to confirm this is not the case following the application stage.
EU State aid rules now only apply in limited circumstances. Please see our general guidance to check if these rules apply to your organisation.
If you are unsure about your obligations under the UK Subsidy Control regime or the State aid rules, you should take independent legal advice. We are unable to advise on individual eligibility or legal obligations.
You must make sure at all times that the funding awarded to you is compliant with all current Subsidy Control legislation applicable in the United Kingdom.
This aims to regulate any advantage granted by a public sector body which threatens to or actually distorts competition in the United Kingdom or any other country or countries.
If there are any changes to the above requirements that mean we need to change the terms of this competition, we will tell you as soon as possible.
9. Dates
DTEP is currently paused for new Outline proposals until the next financial year (from April 2024). Watch this space for future updates.
10. Supporting Events
This 9 November 2022 webinar provided further detail on DTEP, and answered attendee questions in an open Q&A.
Defence Technology Exploitation Programme (DTEP) Webinar.
11. Help: Contact the DASA Help Centre
Competition queries including on process, application, commercial, technical and intellectual property aspects should be sent to the DASA Help Centre at, quoting the competition title. Please take a look at the FAQ document first to see whether your question has already been answered. If you wish receive future updates on this competition, please email the DASA Help Centre.
While all reasonable efforts will be made to answer queries, DASA reserves the right to impose management controls if volumes of queries restrict fair access of information to all potential innovators.