Accredited official statistics

Local authority collected waste management - annual results

Final annual results for local authority collected waste generation and management for England.

Applies to England


Methodology Summary 2022/23

Recycling Explainer


This publication covers annual final estimates for waste collected by local authorities in England and the regions. These statistics are based on data submitted by all local authorities in England to WasteDataFlow on the waste they collect and manage.

The methodology and recycling explainer documents give background and context to this statistical notice, accompanying datasets and the waste and recycling measures they present.

There is also a further historical note on the definition of local authority collected waste relating to earlier releases.

The entire raw dataset is available in CSV format and can be found here: WasteDataFlow - Local Authority waste management -

Historic releases

2021- 2022

2020 - 2021


2018 - 2019

2017 - 2018

2016 - 2017

2015 - 2016 This includes the ad hoc release entitled “Provisional 2016/17 local authority data on waste collection and treatment for England (April to June and July to September 2016)”.

2014 - 2015

2013 - 2014

2012 - 2013

Historic datasets

Historic datasets

Defra statistics: Waste and Recycling

Updates to this page

Published 8 November 2012
Last updated 4 March 2025 + show all updates
  1. Contact details updated.

  2. This dataset has been updated following revisions to population figures held in WasteDataFlow, used in the calculation of “Collected household waste per person (kg) (Ex BVPI 84a)” in Table 3 and Table 4 of this dataset. Only 2022/23 figures have been revised. There are no other changes to the dataset.

  3. Annual update - 2022/23 data published.

  4. Change to title.

  5. Data for 2020/21 added.

  6. One sentence removed plus small changes to formatting (certain text no longer bold).

  7. New annual publication including data for 2019/20.

  8. Amendments to statistical notice made to ensure document is accessible.

  9. Broken links mended.

  10. Fixing of broken links carried out.

  11. Minor amendment made to format of charts.

  12. Latest annual publication with 2018-19 data.

  13. Annual publication.

  14. Methodology summary document added.

  15. Annual update.

  16. Explanatory note of February 2017 ad hoc release added.

  17. An ad-hoc release of provisional data for 16/17 waste collection and treatment for England (April to June and July to September 2016)

  18. New annual publication published.

  19. New annual waste figures published.

  20. New annual results published.

  21. 2013 figures

  22. First published.

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