Pupil absence in schools in England: 2011 to 2012
This release reports on pupil absence in primary, secondary and special schools in the 2011 to 2012 academic year.
Applies to England
Reference ID: SFR10/2013
Publication type:Statistical first release
Publication data: Local authority data
Local authority data: LA data
Region: England
Release date: 19 March 2013
Coverage status: final
Publication status: published
This statistical first release (SFR) reports on absence in primary, secondary and special schools, city technology colleges and academies during the 2011 to 2012 school year. It updates and supplements information published in the October release ‘Pupil absence in schools in England, autumn term 2011 and spring term 2012.’ It is based on pupil level absence data collected via the school census.
The release provides information on the levels of absence (overall, authorised and unauthorised) by type of school; absence rates by pupil characteristics (such as gender, free school meal eligibility, ethnic group and special educational needs); the percentage of pupils by number of days absence; as well as summary statistics on persistent absentees (the percentage of absence these pupils account for; their characteristics; the number of schools where the percentage of persistent absentees falls within certain ranges; and information on the reasons for absence).
The key points from the latest release are:
- The overall absence rate decreased, from 5.8% in 2010 to 2011 to 5.1% in 2011 to 2012, continuing the recent downward trend.
- The percentage of pupil enrolments classed as persistent absentees decreased, from 6.1% in 2010 to 2011 to 5.2% in 2011 to 2012, continuing the recent downward trend.