Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening: submitting research proposals
This document provides information on the NHS abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening programme.
Applies to England
This publication provides information about how to request access to data about the AAA screening programme and how to submit AAA-related projects for review.
Support is needed from the AAA research advisory committee (RAC) for:
- research projects involving AAA screening programme participants
- research, evaluation or audit activities needing national screening programme data
Requests to access data owned by Public Health England (PHE) from the NHS screening programmes also need approval from the PHE Office for Data Release (ODR).
Submit your project documentation to the AAA RAC screening.research@phe.gov.uk when seeking approval for request proposals.
Deadlines for research proposals
The next application deadline is 23 August 2021. These applications will be discussed by the committee on 4 October 2021, with outcome letters issued on 1 November 2021.
AAA RAC reviews
The AAA RAC has a 2-stage review process.
Pre-application advice
Send your proposal to the AAA RAC early for advice on the feasibility of your request. You should seek this advice before applying for funding or ethics approvals.
Submitting your application
You must send the RAC your:
- AAA RAC application form (contact screening.research@phe.gov.uk for a copy)
- detailed protocol
- data specification
- data flow diagram
- ODR submission form
- regulatory approvals
- patient information sheets or informed consent forms (if applicable)
All research projects should undergo formal peer review. Make sure you include a copy of the peer review report in your application.
PHE ODR approval
Proposals requesting data will be subject to the PHE ODR approvals process.
There is no need to submit a second application to ODR. However, you may be asked to submit additional evidence regarding ethics, legal gateway or security assurances.
You will be charged in line with the ODR cost recovery framework. PHE Screening may make additional charges.
Previously approved projects
All personally identifiable or de-personalised data releases for projects approved by the AAA RAC are published on the PHE ODR Release Register, which is updated quarterly.
AAA RAC membership
- Gerry Stansby (chair, vascular surgeon)
- Morag Amer (Quality Assurance, PHE)
- Matt Bown (vascular surgeon)
- Tracy Gilchrist (screening manager/nursing representative)
- Tim Hartshorne (screening programme imaging lead)
- Robert Hinchliffe (vascular surgeon)
- Jo Jacomelli (data manager, PHE)
- Niall Macgregor-Smith (patient representative)
- Sandip Nandhra (vascular and endovascular research network representative)
- Akhtar Nasim (vascular surgeon, clinical lead, PHE)
- Colin Nice (interventional radiologist)
- Les Ruffell (patient representative)
- Anne Stevenson (national programme lead, PHE)
- Lisa Summers (screening programme manager, PHE)
- Nigel Wood (screening programme manager)
Further information
Other useful sources of information include:
- general guidance on screening data requests and research
- information about patient confidentiality in screening
- annual data reports and tables for local AAA screening programmes in England
- general terms of reference guidance about RACs