AAA screening: professional guidance
Guidance for local NHS abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening programme providers.
Healthcare professionals working in the NHS Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening Programme can use these documents to ensure all staff have the training required to carry out screening.
AAA screening: information leaflets explain AAA screening and results to the public.
Contact the Screening helpdesk with any queries about this publication, making sure you include its full title.
Programme pathway
Provide screening
Data and research
Updates to this page
2020/21 data has now been added.
Addition of AAA standards report 2020 to 2021.
Added abdominal aortic aneurysm screening: care pathway.
Added 2019 to 2020 standards data report to the collection.
Renamed collection as guidance for professionals. Public information leaflets are now available in a separate collection.
Added AAA screening: clinical training assessment and log books under Training.
Added easy read letter template.
Added 'projects approved for research', 'patient research application form' and 'guidance for research'.
Added 'AAA screening: equipment evaluation' report.
Added 2017 to 2018 annual data tables.
Added AAA screening: reducing inequalities guidance.
Added programme specific operating model.
Publication of 2015 to 2016 data tables
Added 2014 to 2015 annual data tables.
First published.