1 Introduction

This guidance explains how to complete your Countryside Stewardship (CS) Protection and Infrastructure Grant application.

You can download an application form from the how to apply website on GOV.UK.

You will need to have an agreement in place to receive a capital grant before making a claim. You can claim once work has been completed by a contractor, or yourself or your employee and you have paid all invoices.

If you cannot access the internet to download an application form, you can call us on 03000 200 301 and we’ll try to help.

To find out what this grant covers, you can see our guidance on GOV.UK.

When to apply

There is no deadline for the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) to receive your completed application and supporting documents. The application and supporting documents should be sent at the same time.

If you are applying for FY2 Woodland Infrastructure only, we recommend that you submit your application as early as possible and well before the start of construction to allow time to resolve any queries. This will help the Forestry Commission make decisions and recommendations about your application.

Getting started

To get started it’s important that you do the following:

1. Register or sign in to the Rural Payments service

To receive CS payments, you must be registered in the Rural Payments service. To find out how to do this, read ‘Register or sign into the Rural Payments service’ below. If you do not have access to the internet, call us on 03000 200 301 and we’ll try to help.

2. Check and change

You must check that your personal details, business details, permission levels and digital maps are up to date, and update them if needed before requesting your pack. You may find the RLE1 guidance useful, which is on GOV.UK.

3. Complete the CS Protection and Infrastructure Grant Application Form

FY2 Woodland Infrastructure

Make sure you have one of the following before you apply:

  • a current woodland management plan, or
  • a woodland creation plan, or
  • an agreement from your woodland officer that a road is necessary for the maintenance of the woodland.

Download and complete the CS Protection and Infrastructure Grant Application Form from the gov.uk website

If you do not have access to the internet and cannot download the form, please call 03000 200 301 and we’ll try to help.

Beaver Protection capital items

Capital items are available if you are a farmer or a land manager with either:

  • a permanent crop within 100 metres of a water body or watercourse where beavers are foraging or likely to forage, or
  • a specific individual tree that has commercial, amenity or ornamental value within 100 metres of a water body or watercourse where beavers are foraging or likely to forage.

4. Planning permission for FY2 Woodland Infrastructure

Provide evidence that you have contacted your local council to see if you need planning permission for the road you want to construct.

5. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for FY2 Woodland Infrastructure

An EIA determination will be carried for the proposed works unless they have already been considered under an EIA in the last 5 years.

6. Permissions and Consents for Beaver Protection

You will need to contact:

  • The Risk Management Authority (Environment Agency, Internal Drainage Board or the Lead Local Flood Authority) for information see Flood and coastal erosion: risk management authorities to check if any consent or permissions are needed.

  • Natural England for consents or permissions connected with the work if on a SSSI site.

Consents and permissions must be submitted with your application form.

7. Read the scheme manual and other guidance

All the guidance and information you need for Countryside Stewardship is on GOV.UK:

If you do not have access to the internet you can email or call us to request a paper copy of the manual.

You can read guidance about Agri-environment agreements and BPS on GOV.UK. Search for Agri-environment schemes (CS and ES) and BPS.

Remember, it’s your responsibility to make sure that:

  • you meet the scheme rules

  • all the eligible land included in your application is correct, to the best of your knowledge.