
Exporting to Great Britain: establishments approved to export animals and animal products

Establishments approved to export animals and animal products to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) and how competent authorities can change the establishment list.

Exports of animals and animal products to Great Britain must come from approved establishments and from approved EU and non-EU Countries

Find out how to apply for approval to export to the UK.

Change the list of establishments approved to export to Great Britain

Competent authorities must make sure lists of establishments approved to export to Great Britain are accurate and up to date.

Competent authorities should complete the form and email it to the UK Office for Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Trade Assurance at to make changes to the establishment lists.

If you need help

Competent authorities can email the UK Office for SPS Trade Assurance at for information about:

Updates to this page

Published 15 November 2021
Last updated 1 July 2022 show all updates
  1. Added a link to the list of establishments approved to export animals and animal products. Moved approved countries for animals and animal products to a separate page.

  2. First published.

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