
National Data Strategy

The National Data Strategy (NDS) is an ambitious, pro-growth strategy that drives the UK in building a world-leading data economy while ensuring public trust in data use.

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About the National Data Strategy

The aim of the National Data Strategy (NDS) is to drive the collective vision that will support the UK to build a world-leading data economy.

It will help ensure that people, businesses and organisations trust the data ecosystem, are sufficiently skilled to operate effectively within it, and can get access to data when they need it.

The NDS will also provide coherence and impetus to the wide range of data-led work across government, while creating a shared understanding across the economy of how data is used.

National Data Strategy: collaboration video montage

Getting involved

If you are interested in the National Data Strategy and want to keep up-to-date with developments, sign up to be added to our mailing list.

Read more about the National Data Strategy Forum and register interest.

The story so far:

  1. June 2019: Stage one call for evidence opens (pre-publication).

  2. September 2020: National Data Strategy is published.

  3. September 2020: Stage two consultation opens (post-publication).

  4. June 2021: The National Data Strategy Forum is created. The forum works to drive and champion the NDS through its five key workstreams.

  5. September 2021: Data: a new direction consultation opens. This consultation specifically relates to the UK data protection regime and is a key part of delivering Mission 2 of the NDS.

  6. September 2021: National Data Strategy monitoring and evaluation framework published. This framework is designed to track delivery of government intervention for the NDS.

  7. November 2021: National Data Strategy Mission 1 Policy Framework published. This publication specifically aims to drive Mission 1 of the NDS (unlocking the value of data across the economy).

Blog posts about the NDS

Updates to this page

Published 8 July 2019
Last updated 5 December 2022 show all updates
  1. Added link to blog post - National Data Strategy Forum: latest news.

  2. Added link to the blog post - National Data Strategy: Foundational data skills.

  3. Added link to blog post - Exploring new policy tools for managing data across borders.

  4. Added blog post.

  5. added link to DCMS blog post on update to development of the National Data Strategy indicator suite

  6. Add link to blog post by Barry Hodgson, National Innovation Centre for Data

  7. Added 3 new blog posts: 1. The Mission 1 Policy Framework, 2. Data: a new direction consultation and 3. The NDS supporting Net Zero.

  8. Changed page structure to make content clearer.

  9. Edited "Getting involved" section deleting details of the data: a new direction consultation which has closed and adding details on the launch of the Mission 1 Policy Framework and how to register for webinar.

  10. Added blog post.

  11. Added blog post.

  12. Added blog post.

  13. Added 'Getting involved' section.

  14. Added blog post.

  15. Update to reflect consultation response now published.

  16. Added blog by Phil Earl.

  17. Update to reflect end of consultation.

  18. Page amended to extend consultation deadline until 9 September 2020.

  19. Page update following NDS publication.

  20. Page update

  21. Updated to reflect the NDS Vision workshops being postponed because of the 12 December general election.

  22. Added details and dates of Vision workshops.

  23. Dates and registration details for the roundtables added.

  24. Added link to the blog post: How roundtables are helping inform the national data strategy.

  25. First published.

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