National Data Strategy Forum
The National Data Strategy Forum was created to ensure that a diverse range of perspectives continue to inform the implementation of the National Data Strategy.
About the National Data Strategy Forum
The National Data Strategy Forum is a structured programme of engagement designed to ensure that a diverse range of perspectives beyond government and the public sector continue to inform the implementation of the National Data Strategy.
It supports us in implementing our plans in such a way that builds public trust and ensures the data opportunity works for everyone, everywhere.
Co-chaired by DCMS and techUK, the Forum brings together a variety of stakeholders from industry, academia and civil society to:
- develop collaborative programmes of work to support the delivery of the National Data Strategy
- champion the National Data Strategy through their networks, to embed its principles and goals beyond government
- help shape the development of the future vision for the National Data Strategy
We want to foster an open and inclusive Forum which welcomes in new ideas, and so does not comprise a set membership, but invites experts and participants as relevant to join specific discussions at each Forum event.
The Forum has no decision-making role and is not part of any formal governance arrangements for the National Data Strategy. Its role is to challenge and champion the strategy, and come together to ensure the way we use data in the UK is the best it can be.
The story so far
The National Data Strategy Forum was announced as part of the government response to the consultation on the National Data Strategy, in direct response to feedback received from stakeholders through the consultation.
Following the Forum’s first discussion in the summer 2021, we identified five key workstreams in collaboration with Forum participants. These concluded in summer 2022.
Upcoming work
Further details on the Forum’s upcoming programme will be published in due course.
Getting involved
If you would like to receive information on upcoming Forum events, and the National Data Strategy, please sign up to our newsletter.
You can get in touch with the Forum at:
Useful links
Updates to this page
Page updated to clarify that further details on the Forum’s upcoming programme will be published in due course.
Page updated to reflect latest policy position.
Added link to report of NDS Forum webinar on the Forum's 2022 Work Plans and corrected typo to: ...value of data and local best practice...
Edited title of blog post to "...National Data Strategy Forum and the National Data Strategy"
Edited the story of the NDS Forum and the individual work plans
Links to two blog posts added under Data Reform and Net Zero key deliverables respectively link to the National Data Strategy team blog post on Data: a new direction consultation link to Alex Sunley's blog post on NDS Forum work on Net Zero
Updated "unlocking the power of data detailed work plans" - added text on the publication of the Mission 1 Policy Framework and in the "events table" under "Mapping Local Skills" added link to blog Under "Data Reform - key deliverables" added " Open Data Manchester"
Added to events table under the Midlands event "please see blog"
Added new event to upcoming events.
Added upcoming events table.
Added blog post.
Added blog post.
Added new blog post.
Added detailed workplans section.
Updated to include workstreams.
First published.