
Pay your childcare or social care invoice

Find out how to pay an Ofsted invoice in relation to your childcare business or children's social care service.

Applies to England

The Ofsted invoices you can pay depend on which type of provider you are.


You can pay invoices for renewing your annual registration.


You can pay invoices for renewing your annual registration.

Nursery or other daycare

You can pay invoices for:

  • applying to register your daycare
  • renewing your annual registration
  • adding a setting to your daycare

Childminder agencies

You can pay invoices for renewing your annual registration.

Children’s social care service

You can pay invoices for:

  • renewing your annual registration
  • making changes to your service

What you will need

To use this service, you will need the following information from your invoice:

  • the invoice number
  • the security token

Pay your invoice

Updates to this page

Published 30 January 2020
Last updated 27 May 2020
  1. Guidance amended to include social care invoices that can be paid through the service.

  2. First published.

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