Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) scheme
The RTFO reduces greenhouse gas emissions from surface transport by encouraging the supply of low carbon fuels for use in road vehicles, trains, other non-road transport and mobile machinery.
The Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) requires suppliers of transport fuel in the UK to meet an annual obligation for the supply of sustainable low carbon fuel. The scheme is a certificate trading mechanism, with certificates issued for the supply of eligible low carbon fuel. It applies to the following modes and fuel uses:
- road vehicles
- non-road transports, including non-road mobile machinery (NRMM)
- maritime, if the fuel used is a renewable fuel of non-biological origin (RFNBO)
The RTFO previously applied to aviation. As of 1 January 2025, low carbon aviation fuel is supported by the Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Mandate scheme.
The RTFO essential guide provides an overview of the scheme and how it works.
Low carbon fuels mailing list
Join the department’s low carbon fuels mailing list for the latest news and presentations from our stakeholder workshops. To join, email
Apply for an RTFO account
You must register under the RTFO if your company owns and supplies 450,000 litres or more of relevant transport fuel for use in the UK during the course of an obligation year (1 January to 31 December).
RTFO guidance
RTFO guidance provides support for fuel suppliers, independent verifiers and others involved in supplying biofuels for use in road transport and non-road mobile machinery.
Voluntary schemes and recognised verifiers
Fuel suppliers applying for certificates under the RTFO must have their claims independently verified. The department publishes a list of voluntary schemes which can be used to provide supporting evidence of compliance and a list of third party verifiers that have been recognised as providing evidence of ‘appropriate expertise’ with the RTFO.
RTFO annual reports
The annual reports show the RTFO scheme’s value and outcomes. It includes the value for that year, a forecast for the year ahead, and the overall scheme outcomes.
RTFO consultations
Biofuels carbon calculator
The carbon calculator is a standalone programme that assesses the greenhouse gas savings from a given batch of biofuels. It generates reports that can be uploaded to the RTFO reporting system.
Updates to this page
Adding updated compliance, technical and third party assurance guidance.
Added Biofuels carbon calculator RTFO year 11.
Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) guidance: year 11.
'Motor fuel greenhouse gas reporting: government response' published
RTFO year 10 guidance published.
RTFO annual report 2015 to 2016.
Consultations on changes to the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation and motor fuel greenhouse gas reporting.
RTFO year 9 guidance and annual report published.
First published.