
Report a company using your personal details without your permission

How to tell Companies House if a company is using your personal information without your consent.

If your personal details have been used by a company without your consent or knowledge, you’ll need to report it to Action Fraud online or phone 0300 123 2040.

Action Fraud is the national fraud and cyber crime reporting centre for the police. The process is different if you want to complain about a company.

Removing personal information from the Companies House register

In some cases, the registrar can remove your information from the register without an application.

Contact Companies House and we’ll advise if it’s possible to remove the information based on your individual case. It’s important to include any information or evidence you have to support your case.

You can also apply by sending form RP08 to Companies House.

Applying to remove address details

You can contact Companies House if you believe:

  • a company’s registered office is not an appropriate address
  • the service address of an individual officer has been used without permission
  • the principal office address of a corporate officer has been used without permission

It’s important to explain the grounds for your claim and include any information or evidence you have to support your case. This will help to speed up the process.

We’ll advise if it’s possible to rectify the information based on your individual case.

You can also apply by sending form RP07 to Companies House.

Other addresses

In some cases, the registrar can remove the address of a shareholder. Contact Companies House and we’ll advise if it’s possible to remove the information based on your individual case.

More guidance on fraud and identity theft

For more guidance, visit Citizen’s Advice or Cifas, the UK’s fraud prevention service.

Updates to this page

Published 10 June 2020
Last updated 4 March 2024 + show all updates
  1. Updated with new measures under the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act.

  2. First published.

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