Report a company using your personal details without your permission
How to tell Companies House that a company is using personal information such as your name and address without your consent.
If a company has given your personal details to Companies House without your permission, you need to let us know.
This includes if a company has used your:
- name
- address
We can usually remove your information from the Companies House register if there’s enough evidence to support your case.
If your name or address has been used without your consent
You should tell Companies House if your name has been used without consent for any roles in a company, for example:
- director
- company secretary
- person with significant control (PSC) or beneficial owner
You should also tell Companies House if a company has used your address without consent, as a:
- registered office address
- correspondence address
- home address
How to tell Companies House your details have been used without permission
Email and include:
- the full name, full address, or both, used without permission
- which company or companies have used your details - find the company name and number
- what the company has used your name for, for example as a director or PSC
- what the company has used your address for, for example as a registered office address
- whether you know or have any connection to the company or companies using your details
It’s important to include all the information we need, or it could delay your case.
If you’re reporting an address used without your permission, you also need to include:
- the date you started using the address
- evidence showing that it’s your address
Your evidence could be:
- a utility bill dated within the last 6 months
- a land registry deed dated within the last 12 months
- a written agreement allowing you to use the address
- documents showing your rights in the address, such as leasehold or freehold
- written evidence of the start and end of a contract (if you’re a service provider)
Your evidence can be copies of original documents.
We’ll keep your information and evidence confidential. We’ll only use your email address to contact you about your case.
We will not share your email address or personal data with the company or any third parties.
What happens next
We may contact you for more information or evidence to support your case.
Once we’ve processed your case, we’ll email to let you know if we can remove your details from the Companies House register.
As we’re dealing with a high volume of reports at the moment, it may take a while to get back to you.
You do not need to call Companies House, as we cannot resolve this type of issue over the phone. Do not report your case more than once, as this will delay your case.
More guidance on fraud and identity theft
The process is different if you want to complain about a company. For example, if you were sold a faulty product or if you think it’s a scam.
Action Fraud is the national fraud and cyber crime reporting centre for the police.
If a crime has been committed, you may need to report your case to Action Fraud online or call them on 0300 123 2040.
If the company’s registered in Scotland, you’ll need to report this to Police Scotland.
For more guidance, visit Citizen’s Advice or Cifas, the UK’s fraud prevention service.
Registrar’s rules and powers
The Registrar of Companies can amend or annotate the register in some cases. You can also apply to replace or remove a document or information from the register.
See Companies House forms for registrar’s powers.
Read our guidance on what the registrar’s powers are and when we’ll use them.
Updates to this page
Published 10 June 2020Last updated 6 September 2024 + show all updates
Updated guidance on the process for reporting a case by email.
Updated with new measures under the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act.
First published.