Submit a return for the Economic Crime Levy
Find out how to submit a return and how to amend a return for the Economic Crime Levy.
Before you submit a return, you need to register for the Economic Crime Levy.
Who must submit a return
You must submit a return each year if you have registered for the Economic Crime Levy and meet the threshold for paying the levy. We ask that you submit a return even if you do not meet the threshold for paying the levy.
For example, if you register and submit a return as a medium-sized entity in the first year, you will need to pay the levy. If you do not meet the revenue threshold in a following year, we ask you to still submit a return.
What you’ll need
You will need to tell us about:
- the relevant accounting period for your organisation
- your UK revenue for the relevant accounting period
- how long you carried out anti-money laundering regulated activities for during the financial year
You will also need to tell us information about the person in your organisation who is completing the return including their:
- name
- role
- contact details
When to submit a return
You must submit a return by 30 September each year.
This return will be based on:
- your UK revenue for the financial year — this can be an estimate if necessary
- whether you stopped or started anti-money laundering regulated activity in the previous year
The financial year runs from 1 April to 31 March of the following year.
If you do not submit your return by the deadline, you may need to pay a penalty.
Submit a return
You must use the online service to submit your return.
You’ll need to sign in to the service with the Government Gateway user ID you used to register for the Economic Crime Levy.
If you registered more than one entity, you’ll have a separate Government Gateway user ID for each one.
Online services may be slow during busy times. Check if there are any problems with this service.
If you experience technical issues with this service, select the ‘Is this page not working properly?’ link on the page where you need help.
After you’ve submitted a return
You will be given a 14-digit return number, starting with an X. You will need this to pay your Economic Crime Levy.
If you need to amend your return
You can change your return if:
you provided an estimate for your UK revenue in your original return
the original information you gave us is wrong
your circumstances have changed
To amend your return, sign in to your Economic Crime Levy account.
After you’ve submitted an amended return, if you’ve paid too much, you’ll get a letter to tell you the amount of refund due.
Find out how to claim a refund if you’ve paid too much Economic Crime Levy.
Contact HMRC for help with Economic Crime Levy
Only call HMRC for help with Economic Crime Levy if you cannot find an answer using our online services or guidance.
This helpline may ask you some security questions.
Make sure your details and address are up to date in your Economic Crime Levy account or you could fail telephone security.
If you have already registered, you will need your Economic Crime Levy registration number. You can find this:
- in your Economic Crime Levy account
- in your HMRC business tax account if you registered online
- on the confirmation email HMRC sent you to confirm your Economic Crime Levy return had been submitted
Telephone: 0300 322 9621
Opening times: Monday to Friday: 10am to 4pm
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays
Updates to this page
Information about paying a penalty if you do not submit a return by the deadline added
Made it clear that we ask you still to submit a return even if you do not meet the threshold for paying the levy.
Added information on how to contact HMRC about Economic Crime Levy.
Clarification added that if you registered more than one entity for the Economic Crime Levy, you'll have a separate Government Gateway user ID for each one.
Link added to new guidance on how to claim a refund, if you've amended your return and have now paid too much.
Guidance added for if you need to amend your return. You can now do this online within your Economic Crime Levy account.
Guidance about after you have submitted a return for the Economic Crime Levy has been added.
First published.