UK Seafood Fund: Fisheries Industry Science Partnerships scheme
Find out about funding through the Fisheries Industry Science Partnerships (FISP) scheme.
Applications for the Fisheries Industry Science Partnerships (FISP) scheme have closed. Defra currently has no plans to open any further rounds.
The FISP scheme is part of the UK Seafood Fund.
The FISP scheme will improve and share knowledge of fisheries and aquaculture by funding data collection and research to support sustainable fisheries management.
The FISP scheme and the Seafood Innovation Fund share the £24 million of funding allocated to the science and innovation part of the UK Seafood Fund.
All FISP projects must be a partnership between a member of the UK seafood industry and a research organisation.
Contracts are delivering research projects through FISP with up to £500,000 a year in funding. All projects will complete by March 2025.
Find out about projects that have been awarded FISP funding.
Updates to this page
Applications for the Fisheries Industry Science Partnerships (FISP) scheme have closed. Defra currently has no plans to open any further rounds.
The fourth round of bidding for the FISP scheme has now closed.
You can now apply for a contract through FISP until midday on 19 January 2023.
Defra plans to open a final round of bidding from week beginning 5 December 2022 until midday on 19 January 2023.
The final round of bidding for the FISP scheme will open in late 2022.
The FISP scheme is closed for applications until 21st November 2022.
Removed section on question and answer session which has now passed.
You can now apply for a contract through FISP until midday on 5 September 2022. We've also added more guidance on how to get help with your application.
Edited the section ‘About the FISP scheme’: contracts of up to £500,000 a year are available for full research projects. Edited the section ‘Apply for FISP funding’: Defra plan to start another round to bid for a contract through FISP from 1 August 2022 until midday on 5 September 2022. A final round is planned from 21 November 2022 until late December 2022.
Applications for a contract (FISP part B) closed on Monday 16 May 2022.
Updated to clarify that the maximum funding awarded of £300,000 under FISP part B is for the full duration of the project.
Updated with a link to apply for a contract to carry out a full research project (FISP part B).
You can now apply for a grant to develop a research proposal (FISP part A). Also added information about when you can bid for a contract (FISP part B).
Updated with a link to successful projects from the previous round, and a link to guidance on how to bid for government contracts. Applications for the next round will open on 2 March 2022.
Updated to show the fund is open for bids and applications. Links to BRAVO are now live for users to either bid for a contract or apply for a grant.
Added joining instructions for MS Teams pre-engagement event on 23 September
First published.