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ATACPD04355 - ATA carnet procedures: format of the ATA carnet: cover sheet

The green cover sheet contains all the information on the carnet holder and, where appropriate, their representative and also details of :

  • the goods
  • where they can be used
  • the period of validity.

The face of the sheet contains the following information:

Box Information required
A The carnet holder’s name and address
B The name and address of any representative
C The intended use of the goods
P A list of the countries in which the particular carnet can be used
G For use by the issuing association: a) the carnet number and the number of continuation sheets; b) the name and address of the issuing association; c) the expiry date of the carnet
H Customs certificate at the office of departure: a) details of any additional identification marks; b) whether or not the goods have been examined; c) customs reference number; d) the name of the customs office, the date, signature and stamp
I For use by the issuing association: a) signature and stamp; b) place and date of issue

On the back of the cover sheet is the ‘General List’. This list details the goods covered by the carnet and should give sufficient information to easily identify the goods as well as prevent substitution. It should list all goods that may travel using the carnet even if they are not on this particular trip.

Column 7 is reserved for customs to note any additional marks or any other information required for the identification of the goods. If the list is not detailed enough officers may insist on this column being completed or complete it themselves. A carnet holder may also attach photographs where needed.

The green cover sheet will remain with the carnet for its entire validity.