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CBTM03040 - Payments: Circumstances where a person may elect to have Child Benefit paid weekly

Child Benefit and Guardian’s Allowance (Administration) Regulations 2003, regulation 19

A person may make an election to have their Child Benefit paid weekly if:

  • they are a lone parent
  • they or their partner are receiving Income Support, an income-based Jobseekers Allowance, an income related Employment and Support allowance, a State Pension Credit, or Universal Credit.

A person making such an election must provide any certificates, documents, other information or facts as and when Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs may require which may affect their right to receive payment of the benefit weekly. They must notify Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs in writing at an appropriate office as soon as is reasonably practicable of any change of circumstances they might reasonably be expected to know may affect their right to receive benefit weekly.

{#IDA3YFS}Meaning of lone parent

Lone parent means a person who has no partner and is entitled to child benefit in respect of a child or qualifying young person they are responsible for.