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CBTM03050 - Payments: Elections for weekly payment by persons to whom Child Benefit was payable for a period beginning before and ending after 15 March 1982

Child Benefit and Guardian’s Allowance (Administration) Regulations 2003,regulation 20

This regulation only applies to those to whom Child Benefit is payable for anuninterrupted period beginning before and ending after 15th March 1982.

They may make an election to have their benefit paid weekly after 15 March 1982 if theymake it no more than 26 weeks after their first four-weekly payment was due.

If the claimant was absent from Great Britain or Northern Ireland (as the case requires)on 15 March 1982 because of being

  • a serving member of the forces
  • the spouse of such a member
  • living with such a member as husband and wife

they must make their election before the end of the 26th week for which Child Benefitis payable on their return to Great Britain or Northern Ireland

Meaning of serving member of the forces

A person over the age of 16 (other than one mentioned in Part 2 of Schedule 6 to theSocial Security (Contributions) Regulations 2001) who is a full-pay service member of oneof the organisations listed in Part 1 of that Schedule. It does not include any suchperson while they are absent on desertion.