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CTM06725 - Corporation Tax: loss buying: change in ownership occurs mid-accounting period

CTA10/S676AD, S676BB, S676CB, S676DB, S676EB & EC)

A change in ownership (CTM06720) may occur after the beginning and before the end of an accounting period of the company. Where this is the case, the accounting period during which the change occurs should be treated as two separate, notional accounting periods.

  • The first notional period begins with the beginning of the actual accounting period and ends on the day of the change in ownership.
  • The second notional period begins on the day immediately following the change in ownership and ends with the end of the actual accounting period.

The company should apportion any profits, losses and other amounts relating to the actual accounting period between the two notional periods, following the appropriate method set out in legislation (see below).

Amounts apportioned to the first notional period will be treated as arising before the change in ownership for the purposes of the loss buying rules. Losses and debits apportioned to this period will therefore potentially be restricted.

Amounts apportioned to the second notional period will be treated as arising after the change in ownership. The company may therefore be unable to set certain losses against these profits in accordance with one of the restrictions.

The method of apportionment used depends on the restriction that applies.

However, if this produces an unjust or unreasonable result, the company should use another method that will produce a just and reasonable result. (S676CB(5)-(7), s676CC(9)-(10), s676EB(4), (6)-(7), s676EC(6), (8)-(9).)