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CECCG14200 - Role and Responsibilities of Internal Investigations

Directors and Line managers are responsible for ensuring that any cases that may meet the mandatory criteria for referral to the IOPC are referred to Internal Investigations. In areas where business Complaints Teams deal with tier 1 complaint cases (the initial complaint), the case should be referred to your business Complaints Team who will ensure appropriate complaints are sent to Internal Investigations.

Internal Investigations is responsible for determining if a case should be referred to the IOPC, handling the referral and liaising with the business area to provide advice and seek further information where required. Internal Investigations will:

  • consider external complaints about staff conduct referred by Complaints Teams and refer cases to the IOPC when appropriate
  • provide a 24/7 cover for incidents needing immediate referral to the IOPC
  • manage the relationship with the IOPC including protocols, guidance and invoices for the work it undertakes on behalf of the department.