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CECCG18000 - The Adjudicator

The Adjudicator does not become involved in HMRC conduct matters. The HMRC complaints process means that any complaint:

  • alleging misconduct or gross misconduct matters, or
  • which meet the IOPC, PIRC or COPFS referral criteria

will be handled in line with the procedure at CHG820.

However, where  the Adjudicator’s Office receives a complaint containing potential misconduct matters or where during an investigation there are concerns about an officer’s conduct, it will forward the details to the business unit Complaints Team and CCAST.

Some complaints will contain both administrative issues that come within the remit of the Adjudicator and potential misconduct matters that need to be referred to Internal Investigations. Please refer to Upholding Our Standards of Conduct or to EAS for advice.  If the administrative complaint issues cannot be resolved internally the complainant may ask the Adjudicator to look at their case.  the misconduct issue should be dealt with as the guidance or EAS instructs.

If the misconduct issue is referred to Internal Investigations, Internal Investigations must be informed that the complainant has asked the Adjudicator to look into the administrative issues.