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CHG816 - Dealing with complaints: Complaints that cross departmental boundaries

HMRC have agreed procedures in place with other departments (including the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), Trading Standards and the Scottish Government) to ensure that we provide a co-ordinated approach to customers whose complaints cross departmental boundaries.

The agreed protocols must be followed in all appropriate cases to ensure:

  1. Clarity of responsibility. The Protocol sets out the arrangements for deciding who will take the lead and who will contribute to resolving the complaint.
  2. Effective communications between the Departments: sharing information and providing contributions as necessary to produce a coordinated response, which addresses the complainants’ issues.
  3. Integrity of each Department’s existing policies. The Protocol does not impose any new complaints handling policies; complaints will be handled in accordance with the policies of the Department taking the lead.
  4. Complaints should be addressed and resolved in a timely manner, irrespective of the format in which they are received.