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CDSSG09030 - Step-By-Step Guide, Step 4 - Understanding and selecting the CDS Procedure Code (DE 1/10): Procedures codes eligible for use with the chosen Declaration Category

Once the Declaration Category has been selected (see section CDSSG06000 for details), it is important to identify which types of customs procedures are permitted for use with the chosen declaration category. This is identified by the first two digits of the Procedure Code (the Requested Procedure).  Each Declaration Category is associated with a set of ‘allowed’ Requested Procedures. 

A Procedure Code (4-digits) may only be used with a particular declaration Category if the Category permits the Requested Procedure series to which the 4-digit procedure code belongs. 

For example, declaration category H1 permits Requested Procedure Series 40, therefore any procedure code beginning with 40 may be declared on an H1 declaration.

If the chosen declaration category does not allow the desired customs procedure to be used then a different declaration category or different customs procedure must be chosen.

For example, H3 only permits Requested Procedure series 53, if the chosen Procedure Code does not begin with 53 then the H3 declaration Category cannot be used.

It is therefore vital to ensure that the Declaration Category and Procedure Code are compatible before proceeding.  Failure to ensure their compatibility will result in the declaration failing validation and being rejected.

Each Appendix 1 introduction and index list page (the first link on each Appendix 1 page) contains a table stating which Requested Procedures are permitted with each Declaration Category.

It is therefore critical to ensure you are in the correct version of Appendix 1 for the Type of Movement being made (see CDSSG09020 for details) and that you check the tables in that Appendix to ensure compatibility before proceeding.

The table below summarises which Requested Procedures may be used with each Declaration Category.

It is vital to ensure that a compatible combination is selected from the tables in Appendix 1 or below to prevent the declaration being rejected by CDS.

Declaration Category

Declaration Title

Allowable Requested Procedure Codes (Digits 1 and 2)


Declaration for release for free circulation and special procedure: specific use (end use)

01, 07, 40, 42, 44, 61


Special procedure: storage (customs warehousing)



Special procedure: specific use (temporary admission)



Special procedure: processing (Inward Processing (IP))



Declaration for the introduction of goods in the context of trade with special fiscal territories

40, 42, 61


Super Reduced Data Set


I1 C&F

Import Simplified Declaration with regular use (D.E.1/2 Codes C&F)

01, 07, 40, 42, 44, 51, 53, 61, 71

I1 B&E

Import Simplified Declaration on an occasional basis (D.E.1/2 B&E)

40, 44


Customs Clearance Request for inventory releases – imports released using EIDR

40, 44, 51, 53, 61, 71


Export Standard Declaration or Re-export Standard Declaration

10, 11, 23, 31


Special Procedures – Declaration for Outward Processing

21, 22


Declaration for dispatch of goods to a Special Fiscal Territory or Territory with which the EU has formed a Customs Union.

10, 11, 23, 31

C1 C&F

Export or Re-export Simplified Declaration with regular use (D.E.1/2 Codes C&F)

10, 11, 23, 31

C1 B&E

Export or Re-export Simplified Declaration on an occasional basis (D.E.1/2 B&E)



Customs Clearance Request for inventory releases – exports released using EIDR

10, 23, 31


Customs Clearance Request for inventory releases - imports

00 02 – 00 09


Customs Clearance Request for inventory releases - exports

00 12 – 00 19


Final Supplementary Declaration