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CDSSG10020 - Step-By-Step Guide, Step 5 - Identifying Allowable Additional Procedure Codes (DE 1/11)

Each Procedure Code is linked to a set of allowable Additional Procedure Codes that may be used with the Procedure Code.  If the Additional Procedure Code is not shown in the allowable list against the chosen Procedure Code it cannot be used.

To identify which Additional Procedure Code may be used, the chosen Procedure Code should be looked up.  These may be found in Appendix 1 (found under the heading Additional Procedure Codes (DE 1/11) above the Notes section at the end of the specific Procedure Code’s completion notes. 

For example, Procedure Code 0751 permits:

Additional Procedure Codes (D.E. 1/11):

The following Additional Procedure Codes may be used with Procedure Code 0751:

Union Additional Procedure Codes:

F06, F15, F44.

National Additional Procedure Codes:

1CD, 1CG, 1EX.

The list of allowable codes may also be found in the Correlation Matrix within the Guidance section.

It may also be accessed via the Navigation Guide for the chosen Movement Type.  See section CDSSG10030 for details: