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CDSSG12030 - Step-By-Step Guide, Step 7 - Differences between CHIEF and CDS Document Codes

Unlike CHIEF, Document Codes on CDS are declared at item level only.

Appendices 1 and 2 (for the specific Movement Type) and the full Document Code list (in Appendix 5) must be used to identify the 4-digit code to be used to declare the specific Document.

CHIEF code lists must not be used as the code lists for the two systems are different.

  • Some CHIEF codes have not necessarily been carried forward to CDS as they have been replaced by specific data elements, for example CHIEF Document Codes Y040 – Y042 were used to declare a VAT reference Numbers when entering goods to Onward Supply Relief (OSR). These VAT Reference Numbers in CDS are declared in DE 3/40 at item level instead.
  • Some Document Code requirements that do still exist in CDS use a different code to CHIEF, for example Air Worthiness Certificates were declared using Document Code A119 on CHIEF, Document Code C119 is used on CDS.
  • Some Document Codes that exist on both systems may be used for a different purpose in CDS. for example, C600 on CHIEF was used to declare Customs Warehouse Authorisation numbers, in CDS it is used to declare Free zone and Freeport Authorisation numbers.

It is therefore important that the CDS Document Code lists in Appendix 5A are used to avoid the incorrect code being declared for the type of document being provided.