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CDSSG12040 - Step-By-Step Guide, Step 7 - Commodity Code Requirements for Document Codes

Certain commodity codes will require documents to be declared in order to comply with import or export control measures that apply to the goods. See section CDSSG08000 for Step-by-Step guidance on the Commodity Code. These control requirements can be identified by using the UK Integrated Online Tariff or Northern Ireland (NI) Online Tariff on Gov.UK.

Step-by-Step Guide to identifying Commodity Code Documentary Controls:

Steps 1 - 8 in this specific section (CDSSG12040) will walk users through the steps necessary to identify documentary requirements for goods based on the commodity code (tariff measures).

Failure to complete all 8-steps in this part of the process will result in declarations failing validation and CDS error messages being generated.

Step 1: Identifying the correct Online Tariff to use:

Ensure you are in the correct Online Tariff for the journey being made: UK Integrated Online Tariff or Northern Ireland (NI) Online Tariff

Different import or export documentary controls may apply to the commodity code, depending on whether the goods are being imported to or exported from GB or NI. It is essential to ensure you are in the correct Online Tariff before checking for any documentary requirements that relate to the commodity code.

The UK Integrated Online Tariff should be used for any goods being imported to or exported from GB or Isle of Man.

The Northern Ireland Online Tariff should be used for any goods being imported to or exported from NI.

For goods being imported into Northern Ireland, different import controls will apply depending on the Additional Information Code declared in DE 2/2 (see CDSSG11050 for details) and the status of the goods on their arrival in NI:

Journey Type AI Code in DE 2/2 Imports controls that apply
The goods were in free circulation in GB prior to their movement to NI (customs cleared and any customs duties due have been paid) NIDOM EU import controls only
The goods are being imported to NI from a Rest of the World (RoW) country NIIMP Both UK and EU imports controls apply
The goods are being moved from GB to NI in customs duty suspense NIIMP Both UK and EU imports controls apply

Step 2: Displaying the Commodity Code information

Find the specific commodity code for the goods being declared (see section CDSSG08000) using the appropriate Online Tariff Look Up tool. Use the search field to find your commodity code

The UK Integrated Online Tariff should be used for any goods being imported to or exported from GB or Isle of Man.

The Northern Ireland Online Tariff should be used for any goods being imported to or exported from NI.

Step 3: Selecting the Movement Type

Select the relevant tab for the Movement Type: Imports or Exports

Use this link to view an example of a commodity code’s summary page with the option to select Import details or Export details using the appropriate tab.

Step 4: Choosing the country of origin

Select the country of origin for the goods using the drop-down list. This filters the information on the controls to only those which apply to the chosen country.

Use this link to view a screenshot of the Country filter drop down box

Step 5: What controls apply to the commodity code

Documentary requirements will be shown in the Conditions Column. Where a documentary requirement applies to the commodity code, a link will be shown in the Conditions column for that particular tariff measure.

These may appear in all sections of the commodity code’s information, for example, Import Duties as well as EU and UK Import Controls.

Documentary requirements that relate to claims to preferential rates of duty may also be shown against ‘Conditions’ as can be seen in this example against commodity code 3926909790 imported to NI from the United States:

Use this link to view an example screenshot of a commodity code’s import conditions

When the Conditions link is clicked, a pop-up window appears with the control requirements that must be declared to satisfy the condition:

Import control of organic products for All countries

Meet one of the following conditions and supply the relevant document code(s) on your declaration.

Document code Requirement Action
C644 Certificate of inspection for organic products Import/export allowed after control
Y929 Goods not concerned by Regulation (EU) 2018/848 (organic products) Import/export allowed after control

All Conditions shown on the commodity code for the specified country selected must be satisfied by declaring a document code in DE 2/3. Failure to satisfy all measures will result in the declaration failing validation and an error message being generated.

Guidance on the specific document codes shown under the conditions can be found in Appendix 5A. The document code guidance in Appendix 5A is split into two spreadsheets, Appendix 5A Union (document codes beginning with a letter) and Appendix 5A National (beginning with a number). See section CDSSG12010 for details.

Step 6: What documents codes may be used to satisfy the controls

Each condition shown on the commodity code should be checked to see what documentary controls apply to that particular tariff measure.

When a specific condition is opened, a pop-up screen will appear detailing the document codes that can be used to satisfy that particular control.

A single Condition, when selected, may list more than one document code as an option for that control requirement. Where more than one document code is listed, only one document from the list needs to be declared in DE 2/3.

If different Conditions on a single commodity code list the same document code as a possible option, the single document may then be used to satisfy each of the separate conditions (for example EU and UK import controls both apply and the same document can be used to satisfy both the EU and the UK requirement. For example, when Commodity Code 3926909790 is imported into NI direct from the United States it needs to comply with both EU and UK controls.

Use this link to view an example screenshot of EU and UK import controls for a commodity code being imported into NI

The Veterinary control for both EU and UK permit document code N853 to be used. A single entry of document code N853 on the declaration for the goods item will therefore satisfy both sets of controls.

Step 7: Choosing the correct document code to use

Once the full set of controls have been established for the chosen commodity code, a list of possible document code options for each control should be produced. Appendix 5A should then be used to find the appropriate code from the available choices to use for the specific goods circumstances.

A single document code for each control condition is required.

Each possible document code for a specific Control Condition should be looked up in Appendix 5A to find:

  • The definition of the code
  • When it is used and
  • Any conditions for its use.

Once each possible code for a specific Condition Control has been reviewed against Appendix 5A, the appropriate code for the circumstances should be selected.

Step 8: Declaring the Document Code in DE 2/3

Once you have looked up all the possible documents codes for each measure and selected the appropriate document codes to declare for the goods item, Appendix 5A must then be used to identify how the specific document reference should be completed in DE 2/3.

Document Code Import, Export or Both Description Details to be Declared Status Codes
N853 I Common Health Entry Document for Products (CHED-P) (as set out in Part 2, Section B of Annex II to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1715 (OJ L 261)) for products referred to in point (b) of Article 47(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625) Enter GBCHDyyyy. and the reference number of the CHED-P. A separate N853 entry in DE 2/3 is required for each individual CHED-P \nNote yyyy. represents the year in which the licence was issued, for example GBCHD2021. \nThe ‘.’ after the year is part of the licence completion requirements AE, JA, JE, LE, LP, XX.