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DMBM510350 - Customer contact and data security: telephone contact: telephone technique: managing the call

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When taking calls from customers you should always try and maintain the structure and management of the call. This means, you should

  • always open the call in the correct way (DMBM510320)
  • listen to the customers query on inbound calls and on outbound calls, explain clearly the reason for your call
  • ask appropriate questions and reply accordingly to any you are asked, using the customers name
  • summarise the call and any agreed action
  • close the call in the correct way (DMBM510320).

As well as ensuring that you undertake the call correctly you should also make sure that you guide the call through the correct structure above and keep the call as concise and clear as possible to ensure both you and the customer understand the end result.

Due to the level of contact you will have in your role in Debt Management it is important that you are familiar with the Professional Debt Recovery Skills (PDRS) or Telephone Debt Management Skills (TDMS) training, see DMBM510325.